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Jul 2, 2024

Finding Life Purpose with Tarot Cards

Let’s clear up a common misconception: tarot cards don’t predict the future. Their power lies in the reader’s hands, and there’s no single, definitive deck or universal method for their use. Instead, tarot is all about interpretation, with each reader bringing their unique insights to the table.

Contrary to popular belief, tarot readings aren’t about foretelling future events. The real magic happens through the profound connection between the querent (the person asking the questions) and the reader, along with the wisdom of the cards. Tarot is a journey of self-discovery and introspection. The reader interprets the cards’ messages, offering insights into the querent’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

One of the most powerful and transformative tarot spreads is the life purpose tarot spread. Many of us grapple with questions about our existence and our place in the world. The life purpose spread helps delve into these big questions, offering guidance and clarity on the journey toward self-realization.

How to Find Exactly What To Do In Life With The Help Of Tarot Cards

First, there are two types of readings. One revolves around asking a question and seeking a specific answer. This process can be fraught because many people go into their tarot readings with specific questions about love or money. But these are both complex subjects. And, as mentioned above, the cards do not predict the future.

The second reading type is open reading. This type seeks to provide general information that can help someone learn about themselves and their responses to the world around them.


If They Don’t Tell the Future, What Do They Do?

Tarot cards provide a lens through which we can view the world and our place in it. Think of a tarot spread as a Rorschach test. But instead of looking into your psychology, the tarot reading looks at how you view the world and your reactions to the reading and your life in general.

Another way to think of a tarot card reading is as a mirror. You can look into that mirror to see yourself better— in this case, maybe in a way you previously had not considered.

Tarot cards can help you define your life purpose by giving you a chance to examine how you react to the symbols.

The cards can also confirm things you already know. Have you ever had a feeling or idea you weren’t sure about? Or a gut feeling that, despite it being a gut feeling, you still question? Tarot readings can help with these things, often giving you validation about something you suspect about yourself.

What are the Best Tarot Spreads for Finding Life’s Purpose?

There are countless tarot spreads out there, but some are particularly potent for uncovering the essence of our existence. Here, we’ll dive into five of the best tarot spreads designed to illuminate your path to discovering life’s purpose.

The Life Purpose Spread

As the name suggests, this spread is explicitly designed to uncover your life mission. Usually consisting of six to eight cards, each position in the spread represents a different aspect of your journey toward self-realization. From identifying core strengths and weaknesses to exploring past influences and future potentials, the Life Purpose Spread offers a comprehensive roadmap for navigating the intricacies of discovering your purpose.

The Soul Path Spread

This spread delves deep into the soul’s journey, offering insights into the lessons and experiences necessary for spiritual growth and evolution. With positions representing past lives, current challenges, and future potentials, the Soul Path Spread provides a holistic view of your soul’s trajectory. This spread illuminates the overarching purpose woven into the fabric of your soul’s journey by uncovering patterns and themes across lifetimes.

The Crossroads Spread

When faced with decisions or uncertainties about your life path, the Crossroads Spread can offer invaluable guidance. Consisting of five cards arranged in a cross shape, this spread explores your options and the potential outcomes of each choice. By examining the energies and underlying motivations driving your decisions, the Crossroads Spread empowers you to make choices aligned with your true purpose.

The Destiny Spread

For those seeking clarity on their life’s overarching destiny or mission, the Destiny Spread provides a powerful framework for exploration. With positions representing past influences, present circumstances, and future potentials, this spread offers a panoramic view of your life path. The Destiny Spread illuminates the greater purpose guiding your journey by uncovering the underlying threads connecting past, present, and future.

The Evolution Spread

As beings in constant growth and transformation, understanding our souls’ evolutionary trajectory is essential to discovering our life’s purpose. The Evolution Spread, typically consisting of seven cards, explores the stages of spiritual development and the lessons inherent in each phase. From awakening consciousness to integrating wisdom, this spread offers insights into your soul’s evolutionary journey and the purpose underlying each growth stage.

Getting Into Life Purpose With This Go-to Six-Card Tarot Spread

Okay, so you know how a four-card spread is like diving deep into your life purpose, right? It’s like getting into the nitty-gritty details, which can be awesome, but let’s be real, sometimes we just want the quick, digestible version. That’s where the six-card spread struts in! It’s like the Cliff Notes version of your life’s purpose – still super insightful, but without the marathon of interpretation.

So, let’s talk about setting up this spread. It’s easy-peasy:

  • First card goes vertical.
  • Second card lounges horizontally on top of the first.
  • Then, repeat the horizontal stacking for cards three and four.
  • Cards five and six cozy up vertically beside their buddies.

Now that our cards are laid out like they’re ready for a photoshoot, let’s dive into what each one is whispering to us.

Cards One And Three – Personal Weaknesses And Beliefs

Alright, it’s time to shine a light on those little things we’re not so great at. We all have ’em – it’s part of being human. But you know what? It’s like cleaning out your closet; once you see what’s in there, you can decide what to keep and what to toss.

Cards Two And Four – Personal Strengths And Personality Traits

Now we’re talking! These cards are like the mirror that reflects our awesomeness. Sometimes, we forget just how amazing we are, or maybe we downplay it. But these cards remind us that we’re each equipped with our own superhero powers.

Card Five – Relation Between Best And Worst Characteristics

Ever heard that your biggest strength can also be your kryptonite? Card five dives into that juicy connection between our strengths and weaknesses. It’s like uncovering the secret sauce of our personality mix.

Card Six – Specific Actions To Take

Drumroll, please! The grand finale – the action plan. Armed with the knowledge of our strengths and weaknesses, card six lays out the roadmap. It’s like having a personal GPS guiding us toward unleashing our best selves on the world.


So, there you have it! The six-card spread isn’t just a reading; it’s like having a heart-to-heart chat with the universe, discovering what makes us tick, and how we can strut our stuff confidently. Let’s dive in and unlock those mysteries!

Different Types Of Purposes You Can Find In Tarot Cards

While a personal life purpose reading is a popular one, we all have purposes relating to the world around us, too.

Personal Life Purpose

We want to know our place in the universe, and knowing our life purpose is a solid step toward learning that. Achieving a sense of purpose in our personal life provides fulfillment and satisfaction, but too many of us fail to uncover it.

A life purpose reading can give us valuable insight into why we are here, how we can best live in the world, and how our lives can have the most impact.

Remember that our life purpose isn’t set in stone and can change with time, just as we all change. A tarot reading can help you learn what is different if you believe your purpose has changed. If your current life path isn’t inspiring you as it used to, perhaps your purpose has changed. A personal life purpose reading can help you realign your life and priorities.


Purpose In Your Family And Community

Few of us live lives in total isolation, so we are all part of a community of some sort. A life-purpose reading can help you better understand your place in your community (or even your family) and can guide those feeling disconnected or otherwise out of step with the people around them.

You may not realize that you are, for example, your community’s great listener. That’s a strength others value in you, but if you’re not leaning on that strength, you are missing at least a part of your life’s purpose.

Knowing who and what you are can lead you to a sense of belonging and a feeling that you’re on the right path.

A tarot reading can help you learn your place in the world and let you determine the best way to occupy that place. If need be, you can learn the changes you need to make to find your place.


Global Life Purpose

A global life purpose tarot reading can aid in understanding one’s relationship to the world and obligations to the global community. While personal life purpose is, by definition, personal, one’s global purpose is a big-picture glimpse at our place in the universe.

The impact that your life makes on the world depends on you knowing what your global purpose is. Think of it like a map— if you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you’ve arrived? This reading can give you a look at that proverbial map.


Your Work And Career Purpose

Are you working because it’s your passion? Or do you go to work because you have to pay the bills? Our work lives can be vapid, miserable experiences, or they can be truly fulfilling. Since most of us spend so much time at work, the desire for a purpose there can be a strong one.

A purpose-based tarot reading can help you learn what career path might work best for you. Armed with this information, you can better seek out a career that offers meaning for you and the world around you.

Questions You Should Ask During A Tarot Reading to Get Insights Into Your Life Purpose

So, you’ve decided to embark on the journey of self-discovery through a tarot reading. Whether you’re a seasoned seeker or a curious newbie, asking the right questions can unlock profound insights into your life purpose. But where to start? Don’t worry, I’ve compiled a treasure trove of questions to guide you on your quest:

  1. What lessons do I need to learn to fulfill my life's purpose?
  2. What recurring themes or patterns in my life may indicate my purpose?
  3. How can I align my career with my true calling?
  4. What passions or interests should I explore to better understand my purpose?
  5. What fears or doubts are holding me back from embracing my purpose fully?
  6. What past experiences have shaped my current understanding of purpose?
  7. How can I overcome obstacles or challenges that stand in the way of living my purpose?
  8. What relationships or connections are significant in guiding me toward my purpose?
  9. How can I foster a deeper connection with myself to uncover my purpose?
  10. What steps can I take to live more authentically in alignment with my purpose?
  11. What signs or synchronicities should I pay attention to on my path to purpose?
  12. What does success look like for me in relation to my life purpose?
  13. How can I find clarity amidst uncertainty about my purpose?
  14. What values are essential to honor in pursuit of my life purpose?
  15. How can I cultivate gratitude for the journey toward discovering my purpose?
  16. What guidance do my dreams or intuition offer regarding my life purpose?
  17. What impact do my choices and actions have on fulfilling my purpose?
  18. What lessons can I learn from past challenges or setbacks to my purpose?
  19. How can I share my gifts and talents with the world to serve my purpose?
  20. What steps can I take today to align more fully with my life purpose?

With these questions as your compass, may your tarot readings guide you on your quest for purpose, illuminating the path ahead with wisdom and insight. Happy exploring!


Uncovering your purpose is the ultimate treasure in the quest for a fulfilling life. The six-card tarot spread makes this journey an adventure, offering deep insights into who we are and why we’re here. Each card acts as a portal, revealing aspects of ourselves that might have eluded us, and guiding us to a deeper understanding.

As we explore the cards, we see our strengths and weaknesses intertwined, helping us realize that our vulnerabilities are gateways to our greatest strengths. Embracing all facets of our being allows us to live authentically and purposefully grounded in self-awareness and acceptance.

Ultimately, the six-card tarot spread is a roadmap for life’s twists and turns, guiding us toward a future rich with meaning and possibilities. With the wisdom from the cards, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, confident in our ability to chart a course aligned with our true purpose. So, as you set out on your quest for purpose, let the tarot be your guide, illuminating the path to a life filled with fulfillment, joy, and meaningful action.