About meHello All! I'm Journey! I am passionate about helping you along your journey.
I am compassionate, honest, respectful, and loving with all my readings. I use tarot cards as a tool, as well as guided spirit messages and my visions. My visions comes in symbolism and I do my best to interpret them.
They can come in actual visuals, smells, music, sounds, or even specific messages. I have a very close relationship with my spirit team and I know they help me along the way to help you along as well! I hope to give you the most clarity and guidance throughout your reading and a nice push towards a positive future!
Opening up your energy field to be read will help to get your best reading possible, as well as asking questions you would like honest answers to.
(No general reads)
What you can expect from me for your reading: I like to tell everything I see, so please be open to hearing it and have the mind to handle it. Please do not leave a negative review because you don't like the answer I'm giving, again- be open to hearing it and have the mind to handle it.
I show alot of respect for my craft and gratitude for my spirit team, my gifts, and being able to guide you to your highest potential 💙I do expect the same in return💙 I will give as much detail as I can.
Most readings like a timeframe of events, and I am pretty good at gathering a potential timeframe for you as well if it presents itself. I ask that you keep in mind, you are in charge of your life, and can change the timeline of events.
You are that powerful!
🌟I do relationship readings, 3rd party situations, how someone else feels, dream analysis, and so much more. 🌟 No pregnancy reads 🌟 please use the 24 hour reading when looking for dream analysis 🌟