3,270readings since 2020readings (2020)
About my servicesFOLLOW ALL GUiDELINES IN BIO DO NOT LEAVE ANY DETAILS JUST ONE QUESTION 💯👉IT IS A WASTE OF READERS TIME AND ENERGY WHEN YOU DONT READ BIO RULES FOR HAVING THE BEST EXPERIENCE 1: Don’t psychic shop. Don’t compare readers/readings. Take the message and advice and don’t seek different answers. 2: Come open and grounded. Going to a psychic with unstable energy effects the connection . Be open to the truth even if it’s not what you want to here. 3: Read all readers bios thoroughly as to not waste anyone’s time and making sure you can get the answers you seek. Professional Tarot card 👀👉I WILL NEED YOURS AND POIs NAME 🤐all psychics channel differently. I channel through tarot cards. If you dont like that, im not the reader for you 👁👉DO NOT PUT CONDITIONS ON OR TELL ME HOW TO CONDUCT MY READINGS.IF SPIRIT TELLS ME TO GIVE YOU ADVICE I WILL TELL YOU RATHER OR NOT YOU ASK TWO FOLLOW UP CLARITY QUESTIONS. I AM NOT OBLIGATED TO ANSWER FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS AND AT TIMES IT DOES TAKE ME A WHILE TO GET TO CLARITY QUESTIONS ON SALE DAYS. 👉 i will not psychic or tarot spy on people. No what did they do today , or where are they at. . etc IF YOU WANT MORE THAN ONE QUESTION ANSWERED OR A MEDIUMSHIP READING , ORDER A CHAT OR VOICE /LIVE READING. 👉mediumship readings ( contacting or getting information about deceased loved ones) are done over voice, video call , or chat only. Not Rush or 24hr/ standard mode. Please understand with mediumship readings I have no control over which spirit comes through and at times the deceased do not communicate or connect if their soul is busy acclimating to the other side which is why I also will not attempt to connect to a person who has passed within the last six months. 🤜 i dont believe on twin flames. 🚫no pregnancy, legal, or health readings, no intimacy wuestions 🚫no third party readings and no are they cheating questions . I will not look into another persons relationships. 🚫no lost items. 🚫it asking about a future love interest, I will not provide specifics of hair color , personality traits , time frames on when you will meet someone new or how, etc as people tend to focus on that and miss the intended opportunity 💯👉if you expect to be catered to, or told what you want to hear, or unsure if you can handle the truth, move on to another reader. I’m not the reader for you. 🚫no readings on people you have not spoken to in over a year as their is no connection or energy to read. . 🚫if you use tryouts, there will be only one clarifying question. No new questions once the tryout is expired. If you have more questions, order a reading. 💯👉👀ALSO IF YOU HAVE HAD READINGS ON THE SAME POI OR QUESTION, I WILL NOT COMMENT ON OTHER READERS . I SUGGEST / AND I WILL NOT DO REPEAT READINGS ( THE SAME QUESTION) IN A MONTH AS ENERGY CHANGES , IT GETS CONFUSING, AND I WIlL NOT VALIDATE OTHERS READINGS. I SUGGEST YOU TAKE THIER ADVICE, ACCEPT IT AND MOVE ON. 🤬Also please note I have my own process, I will not respond to hurry up and answer the question nor will I just spit out answers like a pez dispenser
About meClairvoyant, Medium , clairaudient, claircognizant, empath and clairsentient. Straightforward.
Spiritual Drea
16 Sep 24
Thank you
06 Sep 24
Thank you 🙏
16 Aug 24
Thank you for the benefit of your gifts, your insight and guidance again ❤️
06 Jul 24
Amazing 🤩 highly recommend ❤️❤️
15 Jun 24
Thank you so much :)
03 Jun 24
thank you so much🤍
20 May 24
Thank you 🙏
06 Mar 24
Very helpful and consistent with how I have been feeling. Thank you 🙏🏻
21 Feb 24
Shut those dogs up!
20 Feb 24
Straight forward and accurate !
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straightfoward advisor
0readings since readings ()
straightfoward advisor
purple garden
Barges Technologies, Inc.