Bossy The Healer
8,617readings since 2020readings (2020)
About my servicesI look at the life path and then, I look at the details with spiritual mastery. If you’re tired of waiting on your love, life or your finances to work itself out… I’m the esoteric teacher and psychic advisor you’re looking for. You are not crazy about your dreams and desires. However, wishing and hoping are not the way. This is a judgement-free zone. Allow me to hold your hand on this journey, as we experience life. "When I read, I read straight from the heart. That means, I bring the HEAT. I bring the FIRE and I bring the PASSION!" I will not pander. God will reveal what he wants you to know. *** MY BIO CLEARLY STATES NO GENERAL READINGS ALONG WITH OTHER EXPECTATIONS. **** ***I DO NOT DO CHECKINS ON OTHER PEOPLES FEELINGS IF THAT IS ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW. MY READINGS ARE YOU FOCUSED. YOUR INTENTION UNLOCKS THE DOOR TO PRIVILEGED INFORMATION. SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES APPLY**** (if you want to manifest your dreams, follow the principles) 🛑🛑🛑 PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE A BAD REVIEW IF I TELL YOU THAT YOUR POI IS NOT INTERESTED. I KNOW YOU ARE DISAPPOINTED BUT THAT’S NOT A REASON TO LEAVE A BAD REVIEW. ❤️🌹🛑🛑🛑 🙏🏾 🌟 🙏🏾🌟 🙏🏾 ALLOW 24 hrs FOR COMMENT RESPONSE DURING OUR BUSY DAYS, THANK YOU, ahead of time for all reviews and journey votes you take the time to offer. Every review and vote helps my career and exposure on the app. 🙏🏾🌟🙏🏾🌟🙏🏾 Please be aware that trolls call on a regular basis. Usually during an influx of good reviews. Follow your own guide when making a decison to get a reading with me. Clients that call or video call get the most clarity. Sometimes there are communication/miscommunication issues with text. 3 minutes orders may not be enough time to gain as much clarity as a phone or video call does. Although, many of my clients can testify, that I try my very best to do so. Be mindful that each person’s journey is different. 🚫 PO has dozens of wonderful readers to choose from. My focus is healing. My readings may sound like advice to people who aren’t ready to do the work and are lost in the word “psychic”. 🚫 ❤️🌹 I DON’T DO READINGS TO PEEK INTO OTHERS LIVES. IF IT DOES NOT PERTAIN TO YOUR HEALING I’M NOT PRIVILEGED TO SEE INTO THE LIVES OF OTHERS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF YOUR ENTERTAINMENT, JUST BECAUSE YOU PAID AND I’M A READER OF ENERGY. MY WORK IS ABOUT YOUR WORK AND GUIDING YOUR HEALING PROCESS. THE MAY INCLUDE TAPPING INTO 3RD PARTY (any point of reference outside of yourself.... be it a person, place or thing) INFORMATION. SPIRIT IS RESPECTABLE AND WILL NOT DIVULGE INFORMATION THAT FEEDS THE EGO. MY MODALITIES WORK FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL ❤️🌹
About meWe all have different modalities on this app. Mine is metaphysical . If you’re not ready to do the work, then please do not choose me to do your reading. I have been coaching and mentoring clients for 7 years with my ability to feel energies of the living and deceased. I am amazingly accurate and I care. My purpose for being a reader is help as many people as I can to reach their highest potential to live a full and rewarding, life. I AM AN ESOTERIC TEACHER. I HEAL. I AM YOU FOCUSED. PLEASE DON’T BOOK ME TO PRY INTO ANYONE ELSE’S LIFE. I WILL NOT ANSWER ANY TIMELINE, WHEN IS HE COMING BACK, WHAT IS HE THINKING, QUESTIONS. PO HAVE THE BEST QUALIFIED READERS TO ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS. MY 3 MINUTES ARE FOCUSED ON READING ENERGIES THAT SHIFT PARADIGMS. SO, YOU MUST BE PREPARED TO MAKE THE SHIFT WITH A BOSSY READING. ‼️❗️‼️❗️ I will respond with a blank video if you ignore the above statement and ask me anyway. I don’t do updates on other people’s feelings and emotions about you. My regualr clients, please adhere to this ‼️❗️‼️❗️ I have dedicated my life to helping others, answer life’s questions with messages from the Divine. Intuition and playing cards are my tools. I am able to communicate with people with Autism, deceased, pets and the living. The highest compliment that I received is that, I DO NOT SUGAR COAT OR FLUFF. My clients feel a connection and come back to update me on their life daily. I am not a fortune teller. There is work to do in order to manifest/create. Life doesn’t just happen. You must be ready and willing to do the energy work. I am a healer. I Am. BOSSTOMANCY! If you choose me as your reader And do not understand you’re reading, you are highly encouraged to book either a phone or video reading for more clarity. The information that I deliver requires an open mind and a willingness to hear truth. A 3 minute or text reading may not give you the clarity about a lifetime situation. If you are not keeping up to speed with the text readings please consider a live talk or live video reading. Often times the message is misunderstood in text form. This is your life so, when I give you a reading I want you to understand with clarity what is being conveyed to you. Readings that require A lot of history and or information may not be covered in a 3 minute video a text, conversation. I highly encourage a live phone or a live video for better understanding, clarity and guidance conversations that will change your life. Investing in your life is the best investment that you’ll ever make. You will want to appreciate the information that is given to you by investing in more time to gain clarity, direction, understanding, overstanding and innerstanding, if you need it. We are all at different levels of understanding. Just because you do not understand your reading, doesn’t mean it’s not valid. It may mean that you need to see it from a different perspective. Take the time to understand why you were guided to get a reading and appreciate what’s being offered to you by taking the time to understand the IMPORTANT message rather than what you want to hear. Know that if you surrender to the important message, the issue you are having will be addressed automatically. Life doesn’t just happen. You must do the work. It’s always been that way. (SALE DAYS:: PLEASE USE THE VIDEO FEATURE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. DUE TO HIGH CALL VOLUME, IF YOU HAVE A LOT OF DETAIL... IT HELPS ME TO FOCUS AND PROCESS YOUR ORDERS DURING THIS TIME.) ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ ♦️ Ask About 30 Minute Coaching & Guidance. Topic: Creating/Manifesting (Video or phone calls only). ♦️Corporate Coaching & Team Building Services. Refer your employees for coaching and team building skills right here with me on PO/PG! Ask me how! (Video or phone calls only) PLEASE READ • PLEASE READ 🚫NO GENERAL READINGS🚫 (Ex. Me: 5/7/95 Him: 11/9/95 are we going to be together is a general question. You may very well get a general answer.) We have 3 minutes to fill please give me pertinent information to get the most out of your reading. ❌ DO NOT ASK ME QUESTIONS LIKE.... WHY DID HE/SHE HANG UP ON ME? AND LEAVE A BAD REVIEW SAYING I DIDN’T ANSWER YOUR QUESTION. I DON’T KNOW. ANOTHER READER MAY. PO HAS MANY DIFFERENT STYLES OF READERS ❌ 🚫NO LEGAL QUESTIONS🚫 🚫NO INSURANCE QUESTIONS🚫 🚫NO LUCKY NUMBERS🚫 🚫NO MEDICAL ADVICE🚫 🚫NO CRIME SOLVING🚫 🚫NO COURT CASES🚫 🚫NO TIMELINES🚫 ⚠️1 TOPIC🚸 ⚠️SPECIFIC QUESTION⚠️ (If you have more than 2 questions, 3 minutes may not be enough time). ⚠️1 FOLLOWUP QUESTION⚠️ If your details cannot be brief, I highly encourage utilizing the video feature. I do not discourage long details but please keep in mind the time allowance of each reading. You do not have to appear on video. If you would not mind taking off camera, that is ok with me. It also helps to tap into the energies at play. Thank you so much for working with me to give you the best read. Thank you for any and all reviews. Stay safe and know that I am here to guide you through with the best intentions. 🌹 ❤️ Thank you to everyone who takes the time to vote for me. You are appreciated ❤️
22 Oct 24
Honest feelings: This was my first personal reading ever, and I found it to be accurate. Right on track with what I know to be true. As an empath with intuitive gifts myself, what I didn't necessarily care for was the "cut and dry" tone of the delivery sometimes. You catch more fleas with honey than with vinegar, my momma used to say. So, it would be awesome to have a reading where I don't come away feeling dumb for needing the advice. We're all doing our best out here, looking for a little light. I do appreciate the fact that the reader was obviously tapped in because she hit on things that resonated, as I stated above. So all in all, authentic good reading.
20 Oct 24
Always wants to aid with self-development. ❤️❤️
20 Oct 24
she was more than straightforward.
20 Oct 24
Great reading! I’m looking forward for what’s to come 🙂
20 Oct 24
left a little confused
20 Oct 24
honest and true
14 Oct 24
very good, very accurate
09 Oct 24
Ali Glee
09 Oct 24
She is always honest, to the point and kind! One of my favorite readers.
07 Oct 24
thank you
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Bossy The Healer
Earth Angel
0readings since readings ()
Bossy The Healer
Earth Angel