1,475readings since 2020readings (2020)
About my services💜⛄⛄💙 Understanding your point of attraction and how to line up with what you desire. The feeling, thought vibration matters most. Pacifying and rectifying any issues regarding any topic in life can be assisted by me through vibrational self work. Please note that the readings are vibrational and based on set points of attraction and focused on prepaved realities that have the biggest potential to manifest and be perceived through all physical senses. For rush orders and standard orders I can clarify one question in comments. For further purchase a live reading or another reading. Please note that these readings are for entertainment purposes and do not substitute the professional and qualified assistance of a doctor. Don't take them as absolute truth but take what you can from it and to your benefit. Always seek help from professional for very big issues. PLEASE note that reviews don't break me or make me or give me a self confidence boost. So I abstain from providing my services with an attitude of arrogance or entitlement based on my reviews. I treat everyone as a friend and an important client when we're having a reading. PLEASE Treat every reader as a unique pearl in the ocean. We're not the same and can't give you the same thing. How we feel is the most important thing in life. We will focus on emotions and how they resonate and what they make you attract and manifest into your reality. Being in alignment with your higher self is very important thing to sustain. Light Work, understanding the law of attraction and how to manifest (lining up with the physical evidence of the practiced momentum) in your life. How to understand relationships, take responsibility, read energetic fields and line up with freedom and inner peace. I Can see life path potentials and also if the person is right for you or not based on their core intentions vibrationally. ✴️✴️✳️✳️♓♒♋ -light work -positive focus -law of attraction -relationships -twin flame, soul mates, complicated relationships, how to unravel drama, are they really your soul mate or twin flame? -angel readings, spiriti guides readings. -compatibility in relationships -astrology, numerology, human design -LGBTQ+ -connection -listening -understanding -future career development -conflict resolution -higher self channeling -introspection -changing core beliefs -positive outcomes -focusing on joy and manifestation I read potentials not as something set in stone, because humans are mutable beings and thus change their future constantly with every change in their vibration. I deeply appreciate your connection with me, it means a lot. ⛄✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️🖤💙✳️✳️✳️✳️✳️⛄
About me✴️✴️ - I am a very spiritual and logical character that has a lot of humor and has a lot of experience, real life 10+ years with clients and close people to my heart, in the psychic field and in finding joy, happiness and the right person for yourself. ✳️✳️ ✴️✴️ - Self-exploration and self-awareness are key to my spiritual practice. 🗝️Being able to apply them with practicality is also a must have skill in order to live a happy and aligned life. - for the purpose of being in line with personal joy ✳️✳️ ✳️✳️Dealing with difficult situations, emotionally and in relationships have always been my strong point. ✴️✴️ ☄️Looking forward to connecting with everyone and help you find your way to joy, success and the understanding that you're a vibrational being that is manifesting and creating and law of attraction is responding to it. ☄️ I appreciate everyone who stops by! Love ⛄🖤💙
28 Aug 22
Dimitri is not only an accurate predictor but he truly is a spiritual advisor that will help you on your path and help you align you to your higher self.
24 Aug 22
Thank you for the knowledge. Very informative and kind.
19 Aug 22
Very calming and directed to a positive outcome thank you so much.
15 Aug 22
In our last reading Dimitri made a very specific timing prediction that came to fruition! And he is just a wonderful spiritual teacher/advisor!
30 Jul 22
Dimitri has made accurate predictions for me in the past and I always look forward to talking with him because he gets things so deeply and accurately! And he gives wonderful spiritual advice that is really helpful.
15 Jul 22
This man is super quick with tuning into energy. He knows things without getting details and is amazingly kind and gives great spiritual guidance as well!!!
09 Jul 22
He was so good and accurate and great advise
01 Jul 22
Thank you
27 Jun 22
17 Jun 22
Dimitri has made accurate predictions for me, one just came to pass. And he tunes in so deeply and is just so kind!
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Law of Attraction and Relationships
0readings since readings ()
Law of Attraction and Relationships