Earth Ella
528readings since 2020readings (2020)
About my services🪷WELCOME🪷 I am not able to be online here all that often so click the bell if you would like to know when I am here ☀️ In my readings I will reveal to you what I see and feel in your current energy field (and in connection to others). I typically use the esoteric system of Tarot to read higher dimensional strings and deeper motivations pulling & influencing your situation. I will help you progress into your higher potential in LOVE/CAREER/PURPOSE/ALL SITUATIONS. I deliver challenging observations with honesty, care and sensitivity. I will highlight areas that call for attention. Please contextualise your questions when you arrive into a session or request a reading. Keep in mind that energy work is sensitive, try not to stress psychic contact with impatience ☀️ we want to expose what is hidden with light and bring understanding to you. + I will bring clarity to experiences that may feel exciting/confusing/challenging in your reality and in your connection to others. I will deliver insights from the subtle realms as I sense them. I can help to illuminate your purpose and identify what is blocking/stopping/limiting you or your connections. I cannot, however, always turn myself into a vending machine and I cannot make up details that do not exist for you. It is my profession to explain spiritual concepts and simplify where possible - but I cannot ultimately think for you or control your ability to absorb challenging information or spiritual counsel. My guidance is garnered towards real progress, this is what you will receive when booking me. + Gain understanding into love/life/career, live your life with purpose, self-empowerment and personal sovereignty. A fulfilling life begins with honesty, courage and humility and is led with GRACE, EASE & FLOW. Use intuitive/psychic counsel effectively to amplify your understanding and gain insights about the deeper layers to your life situations and the people you are connecting with. + Please understand that I cannot give you my private details for session, it is against the platform’s policy, it is not personal. I do try to come online more often but I cannot keep a set schedule for this platform. + Note: It is important to understand that relationships, reconciliation, partnerships and true connection do not happen in isolation of how you or your person choose to treat and approach the energies revealed in our reading. This is my area of expertise, this is absolutely vital to understand when observing future progressions (predictions) + While I will gather insights regarding a person you are connected to… I will not be providing/encouraging endless request for remotely viewed evidence to support, for example, an addiction to invading the privacy of other people - 3rd party - you may be tempted to fixate on, this is an expression of self-sabotage. I love my clients, I honestly love people enough to not enable destructive habits, I’m not here to play a role that supports anything that is ultimately very negative for you. I am happy to EXPLORE these areas, there are often insights & gifts to be uncovered when we follow a thread as to why we are drawn to someone in particular, it is often very soulful but not always what we initially think it is. This can lead to profound break-through and there is no shame at all, it’s just about being willing to sincerely look at your situation with me. I am not judgemental in any way/shape/form. You will find that I am warm and easy to be open with. + I am not offering remote viewing, document reading or mediumship at this time. + Thank you to all the clients who express fondly with review after a reading, the give and receive cycle is greatly appreciated & my regulars know that I am typically quite willing to extend into the comments when I don’t have immediate offline bookings to get to. I don’t recall ever leaving a client hanging, unless a chat box closed automatically. I treat my clients properly, I expect my clients to treat me properly. I give you what I have, sometimes it’s not always what you demand, it’s not a psychic brothel just because you paid. Divination and Psychic Energy work deserves to be respected or it will not respect us. + No Time-frames - Fixating on the timing of our desires is counterproductive. DIVINE ORCHESTRATION : there is no time in the subtle realms / spirit world / quantum/field). Timing is ALL about alignment. The more aligned someone is to their desire, the more rapidly it can manifest. Inner work is the process of alignment. This is the case for EVERY human being incarnating on this planet. + The energy radiating out from our soul has a harmonic vibrational composition that is personal by Divine design. Our energy signature is an extraordinary combination of a multitude of layered vibrations packed with extensive multidimensional information. We are not solely our mind, nor our body. + + + + I’m astonished that I actually have to write this part but let me clearly state my boundary line so you don’t waste your money finding out: If you cannot be somewhat dignified or mature within the space of our reading I will very likely suggest an end to our session. A negative review threat is of no value to me nor do I rely on a star rating generated by an algorithm of smiley and frown-y faces to base my outside career on, thankfully. Frankly, I don’t want to deal with this level of reactivity any longer, so if you see yourself fitting the aforementioned profile or have an immature manner, I don’t really feel inclined to deal with you. I love my job and I love my regular clients dearly when I come online here. I am here for adults who would like to advance into beautiful lives and partnerships.
About meAbout me Virgo - Sun Scorpio - Rising Leo - Moon My name is Ella, I am a Mystic, Tarot Reader, Tarot Teacher & Mentor, Energy Healer, Alchemist, Alignment Guide, Visionarist t & Apothecary. This is my full time profession both online and off-line. My studies include Esoterica, Multidimensionality, Quantum Field Theory, Astrobiology, Botany & Anthroposophy. I personally devote my being to principles of gratitude, meditation, internal alchemical transmutation, ritual, life nourishing through diet, energy and living in ecstatic harmony with the seasons and cosmos. I also practice and celebrate the magic of intentional manifestation/alchemy. I have lived all over the world from Canada to Cape Town to New York… I now live in a beautiful hamlet town in south Africa, in a magical cottage, embraced by mountains and free roaming horses. This is a life I created for myself with intention and the tools & guidance I share with my clients. I am on SAST timezone, so please be patient if you are awaiting a response in the comments. Understanding how your energy expresses itself is one of the most powerful gifts you can seed. It is the well from which everything springs. It, quite literally, creates your reality. Becoming aware of your divine right and pathways can sync you up to the destiny belonging uniquely to you. It is the greatest pleasure for me to guide my clients through this. I look forward to sharing in your Soul’s Journey. There is nothing more beautiful than the discovery of your Soul’s clear voice. THOUGHTS: I sense that many of you are getting tired of fast & furious predictions, with good reason, some are accurate and some are not… either way you keep having the same experiences… the same short-lived satisfactions and the same disappointments…. Waiting for the person, waiting for the job and waiting for the prediction to come to pass…. literally wasting your life WAITING, often with anxiety and fear, will it come true or will it not? Is the prediction accurate or not? Even when the prediction does “come to pass”… you are momentarily satisfied but then move on to anxiously await the next prediction you are relying on! This is a disempowering cycle to put yourself in. + When you are finally ready to let go of fixating on outcomes and simply open up to your own incredible possibility and potential (and in your connections)… this is when the magic happens… you begin to see that you can CHOOSE your path, you can MAGNETISE what you want to experience… in love, wealth and purpose. ALIGN to your soul’s destiny with intention (mind, thoughts). Magnetise the experiences through feeling (emotion, energy in motion), becoming a vibrational match for what you desire to experience. This is the combination that you create your life with, this is self-mastery. You are doing it every second anyway - you may as well learn to use it to create a life you actually love. I teach this professionally. + This is what the people WHO HAVE WHAT YOU WANT are doing. They are NOT waiting for predictions to come to pass. They use intuitive/psychic counsel to amplify their understanding and gain insights about the deeper layers to their life situations and the people who they are connecting with. Yes we have to get pretty honest about where you are, but then you can shift into a more true, radiant and authentically empowered version of yourself, the real you. Not the old pattern, not the old program. + I am not saying that predictions are not real, I have been a professional psychic for years now… but it is LIMITING to only observe one path and one outcome, especially when outcomes are always at the mercy of many influences. You are limiting yourself when you approach your life like this. There are ALWAYS multiple outcomes & probabilities, this is a universe of infinite possibility, it is Cosmic Law to be able to intentionally use your free will to align with experiences. + Gain understanding into love/life/career, live your life with purpose, self-empowerment and personal sovereignty. GRACE, EASE & FLOW. + Understanding manifestation in the true sense is vital - oversimplified Law of Attraction can really cause disappointment when it doesn’t “work”, when you expose your intention and emotion to the light of consciousness it also transmutes, so you want to always be manifesting in alignment with your soul, that is the seat of power to manifest from, because it is divine. + Thank you for reading this “lecture” if you have done so :) I look forward to speaking with you and helping you FREE yourself into a beautiful life that is actually WAITING for you to LIVE it. + My esoteric opinion if you are interested: Singular fixed predictions are not in line with our current PHASE of spiritual development on the planet. That style of reading belongs to an older epoch where people would go to mystics/oracles to understand singular future progressions through a more linear space/time density as it was valuable in accordance with the era. Our era, currently, is about understanding our abilities as conscious CREATORS, intentional alchemists, through more awareness of how to ALIGN to soul destiny and live into higher potential, higher vibrations and to be more attuned to higher dimensions. And so, if we are to start making real progress: modern psychic/mystic/oracle observation should, properly & professionally, come in the form of understanding energy, potential and multiple probabilities with more emphasis on interaction, true connection, personal sovereignty and manifestation.
25 Jul 24
beautiful reading and lots of very helpful information. 🤍✨🙏
19 Jul 24
Great reading as always!!
17 Jul 24
thank you so much 🙏
17 Jul 24
wow what an amazing reader 🙏 thank you so much
16 Jul 24
she is wonderful and very wise! 🌹
16 Jul 24
thank you
09 Jul 24
amazing reading
09 Jul 24
very strong connection and accurate reading. Thank you.
07 Jul 24
Beautiful. Profound. So deep and nurturing and wise and healing. So much beyond any psychic reading, you will feel restored and refreshed- good news or bad. Empowering, invigorating and thorough and very connected to root issues and the subconscious and what is much beyond the surface. Accurate and amazing and so, so helpful! Thank you again. You are a gift. X
30 Jun 24
thank you. extremely helpful and followed up in the chat with more because she wanted to make sure I received all of the guidance I needed
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Earth Ella
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Earth Ella
purple garden
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