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22,248readings since 2018readings (2018)
About my servicesDESCRIBE YOUR SITUATION, 1 topic , 1 question. you can put in multiple orders for multiple questions so I can take the time to get your answers.. its better to not do a General reading because you're then asking of multiple of areas of your life for me to put into a 3-minute span. Its easier to focus on one aspect, one topic,one area. that's how you will get the most out of your 3 minute video. for further clarification or another question, feel free to put in a separate order. this really allows me time so I can look into it, meditate, ect because my queue can get so busy when I come online and I want to help the most that I can. do you worry about: job, career, abundance, or love, decisions. if we're going to look at your career, describe your current situation even what you wish to do. but I will try to tap in and see what I can pick up.. the main thing is to describe your situation. ❤️one p. o.i (person of interest) per order.. if you come into my queue and give me a list of people to look into with no details , I may have to send the order back, if I cant connect..sometimes i dont need details to tap in. but it is best. ❤️We are not to read on pregnancy or health, financial, legal issues, court, visas, or Lotto gambling, or if someone put something spiritual or demonic on you or a loved one. .. not allowed to look into that which involves court or even paternity. DNA . ❤🙏❤ I get visions I can hear in the spirit realm, I often see a lot of symbolism but try to break it down in the video so you can hopefully see what I see..I have an ability to go into minds and hearts and to see motives , or see further down the line on if one will really move a relationship forward or no and possibly why, and I can help to confirm your path. . many of us have had to walk through certain paths so that we can understand the inside view of what many go through. often times God would send me through different situations and storms and I would say why am I walking through this? because I would get an odd feeling that that situation was not really for me. but it was to get the inside view and understanding.. and then I would meet someone a couple weeks later and I had the answers and the message for them because I already walked through that path. many years he would send me to people. . to protect them or to give messages... I could sit with the homeless and I could sit by the billionaires and everybody's the same they have worries, they have questions, they have hearts. and we all want answers. .. there's rare times when I do hear that God wants someone to be on a certain path and he has a strict line for them to walk because he has a certain setup for them down the road. but most people have a very free will and you're not guided on a strict path. something I've learned is that you can change your destiny, you can change directions, you can choose a new adventure. ❣️❣️ Time Frames ❣️❣️ are not something I always receive. Outcomes are hard to garuntee. Why? Because people have free will. people can change directions, changing your mind, not follow their heart. I'm here to help people follow faith and love..
About meHi Im the unBoxed Prophet, SpiritLeadUs . .. I sincerely love 💖💞💕🙏 my clients. I am a mother's heart and am a spiritual mother to many, different ages and seasons of life. I love everybody. God gave me that...i did this for free for over 20 years,lived under poverty line, raised many people. some are seers, ministers, singers, dr, entrepreneurs, ect. after dying at age 15 in an emergency c section. i went a dark place then met Jesus who sent me back from death to help people. Literally being sent to people as they prayed, i showed up, showed them their route. .. God taught me how to hear in the spiritual realm actually, how to be guided. how to walk by faith, or to wait on Him. how to go against where some are limited by religion, fam beliefs, fears, break rules. .. hes taught me when he is leading it that its right FOR YOU AND YOUR PATH.. i have a heart for people. .it led me to this kind of work and platform.. I was from the religious system, out grew alot, taught seers or prophetic people, activate their gifts. in this work, I give the truth with compassion. I died met Jesus and was sent back to help people.. but I wondered why I was sent back for so long and as I did other jobs I learned that I wanted to help people with the issues of their heart and life concerns. 🎉Question suggestions ❤️Do you have questions about life? Or wonder if that is the mate for you? do you wonder what is the point and purpose of that connection in your life? this is a great question to ask. do you wonder if that connection is growing you even though it seems uncomfortable, and is preparing you for something better or someone better? this is also another great question. God will send you different people in different seasons of your life to sort of sand you or inspire you. wonder if that person is cheating? Or, do they want to cheat? do you wonder if that is really your friend? do you wonder if that friend is now not for the next season of your life, as in is there time over in your life. .? do you wonder if there's another level or depth of man or woman that you could meet that would be better than what you're dealing with now? this is also another great question. because sometimes we settle and or outgrow something but stay. . but you can alter your destiny. are you tired of your job and yearn for something that is more fulfilling? let me help you figure out what your giftings are and your passions and your purpose or your highest path that would be most fulfilling. this is why I do this, to answer the questions of hearts, to answer the cries of hearts. to answer what you cannot tell to anyone else. even if you just need someone to talk to, this is why I do this. wonder if he or she loves you? wonder about your career and your purpose in life? Connect with Passed on loved ones or pets. ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ READING SUGGESTIONS ❣️ for LOVE interestS❣️❣️❣️ ♥️What are they thinking, why are they quiet will they talk to me again, should I wait or should I contact them, if I'm quiet or patient will they contact me. Will they keep this relationship stuck pretty much or will they progress in this connection, is he or she cheating, or planning to? does he or she want to be with me, what are their intentions, are they afraid of commitment, do they have other lovers will they come back and contact me should I keep my options open while I am waiting?
22 Oct 24
Thank you for the insight and clarity
22 Oct 24
Always insightful thanks
21 Oct 24
Thank you 🙏
20 Oct 24
Wow it seems so accurate.. thank you spiritual!
20 Oct 24
She was amazing! Gave me a lot of insight and clarity. Thank you so much!
19 Oct 24
She’s so amazing and detailed its why I keep coming back ♥️ Amazing Lady!
19 Oct 24
SpiritsLeadus is awesome. she l pickedup all the energy of the poi that i hadnt tell her which help me to repicture everything and chill down. she is really amazing, and help me so much ober the past years.
18 Oct 24
Thank you so much for always being my guide and light ✨️ 💖
18 Oct 24
She was so precise! Thank you 😊
17 Oct 24
Wow thank you 🙏
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Psychic Empath, Seer intuitive,
0readings since readings ()
Psychic Empath, Seer intuitive,