10,312readings since 2018readings (2018)
About my servicesReflections🪞💙✨ Is it just me, or does the energy of emotion feel like its been up and down lately? I notice if I’m experiencing something other people tend to notice it, too. For me this feeling comes in waves of contemplation followed by strong emotion as I sort through everything. When I feel this, I take some extra time for myself——journaling, gardening, crafting——whatever activity I can find to suit my mood. And yes, I do have various unfinished projects as sometimes I just want to enjoy an activity instead of worrying about finishing a project. And that is OK! But I find that focusing my energy helps me feel more centered, and I like to think it helps me work through things from a calmer perspective. When the energy gets too heavy, find something to do that you enjoy. Don’t worry about perfection. Dont worry about completing it. Just enjoy because we don’t do that nearly enough 💙✨ I can offer what I see and sense with my spiritual abilities, and when things aren’t going quite as planned or hoped, or when things get a bit tough, I’m here to help guide you back to your Highest Self and getting you back on track. By the way, let me introduce myself! I’m GothicGenie🧞‍♀️💙✨ Thanks for peeping my profile! My spiritual method is intuition and my spiritual tool of choice is my mini crystal balls 🔮 My goal is to use my spiritual gifts to lead you through self discovery and self development, and ultimately self empowerment! I can’t make choices for you, but my hope is that you will begin to trust in yourself and the decisions you make. If you’d like an overall general reading you can simply give your name and birthday. You can also specify if you’d like a general reading about one of the following: ✨ Angel messages ✨ Career ✨ Life ✨ Life purpose/path ✨ Love ✨ Spirit Guide messages ✨ Spiritual journey …or any other aspect of your journey you may be curious about Some of my spiritual specialties include 🔮 Angel Insights 🔮 Aur a color readings 🔮 Aura/energy readings 🔮 Connecting with spirit guides 🔮 Helping you identify your own spiritual gifts 🔮 Mediumship 🔮 Past life readings 🔮 Psychic readings Looking forward to connecting with you! Best wishes your way! GG🧞‍♀️💙✨
About meIn my youth my spiritual gifts were a little more scattered, but the simple decision to seek happiness in 2007 set me on a path toward learning to utilize those gifts. Searching for happiness helped me to learn to center and find balance, to trust my intuition, and to connect with my angels. Over time, with a lot of practice and focus on delivery and accuracy, I started doing it professionally before going full time in 2018. In my free time I enjoy experimenting with new recipes, putting my creativity to use through drawing, painting, or crafts, listening to music (I have a playlist for every mood!), or watching TV (Golden Girls is one of my all-time favorites💙✨). I also LOVE Halloween🎃 and autumn🍂, and the beach and ocean🌊🐠. I hahe also taken a liking and interest in 1970s aesthetics and disco 🪩 as I believe I had a past life during the 70s as it feels familiar. Hot orange & olive green, anyone?
27 Jul 24
cannot recommend Gothic Genie enough, she's simply amazing and very comforting! >3
27 Jul 24
ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! thank you sweetheart
25 Jul 24
Thank you , the reading was absolutely fantastic:) very detailed and insightful
24 Jul 24
Very kind
24 Jul 24
Thank you
Margaux C
24 Jul 24
thank you so much!😊
23 Jul 24
WOW she was amazinggg! Highly highly recommended!! 💯 she is a star 🌟
23 Jul 24
very good
17 Jul 24
i don’t think I can say enough good things about gothicgenie??? 10/10 gave so much insight without me mentioning a lot. thank you for the fresh perspectives!!
15 Jul 24
:) seemed to connect with my pio, we will see what comes
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Insight and Intuition
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Insight and Intuition
purple garden
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