Totally Vidya
4readings since 2024readings (2024)
About my servicesI’m Vidya, a spiritual advisor and clear channel with clairsentient and clairaudient abilities. I offer direct, clear cut, and intuitive guidance to help you gain clarity and take inspired action with your life situation or query. I draw on my spiritual gifts, intuitive abilities, and experience and training as a certified life coach and certified Akashic Records reader to offer pragmatic and transformative guidance around: * Career/Profession/Vocation * Love and Relationships * Inner child /Shadow work for deep healing and personal growth. * Any other life situations or queries where you feel confused, stressed, or stuck :). Kindly keep the following in mind when considering a reading with me: * I use the intuitive arts solely for clarity and guidance. I do NOT offer predictive outcomes in my readings on any matter. * I do not offer timelines as a rule. I believe all happens in Divine timing and alignment, and timelines can change based on our free will choices and other factors. * Please be clear and specific about what you want to know. Offer context and pertinent details about the situation and/or people involved. * I do NOT answer general queries such as: What will happen this month. * I’m a truth-teller; I will call it as I see it whilst being as compassionate and empathic as I can. I ask therefore, that you come to me with open heart AND mind, receptive to whatever is being revealed at the time 🙏. * This is a safe, non-judgemental space to be vulnerable. Anything you share will be kept confidential. I look forward to serving and supporting you to the best of my ability in Diving timing and alignment. To your highest and best! 🙏
About meHi there! Thank you for connecting with me :) 🙏. I’m a Transformation Doula and Spiritual Life Coach with a deep-rooted passion for guiding souls on their path to personal growth and healing. My journey into this work unfolded as a calling—a path that chose me. Friends and clients often remark on how naturally this work comes to me, as if it were second nature. Clarity, grounding, inspiring, safe space to be vulnerable, non-judgemental, “you’ll tell me the truth” are some of the reasons they’ve come to me. . Personally, my intuition is a powerful guide that helps me navigate my own life, and I am driven to assisting others to do the same. Plus, storytelling with oracle and tarot cards is so much FUN! Especially when combined with intuitive downloads as images, pictures, sounds, even smell sometimes ;). When i’m not honing my craft as an intuitive guide, i’m pushing my growth edges as a digital entrepreneur, fur mom, and Joyful Life Adventurer :). Thank you for the privilege of your time abd attention. I look forward to supporting you optimally in your life journey. xo
10 May 24
Ty but i feel opposite
08 May 24
Very good energy , uplifting :)
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Totally Vidya
Intuitive Transformation Guidance
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Totally Vidya
Intuitive Transformation Guidance