Dragonfly Empress
217readings since 2023readings (2023)
About my servicesABSOLUTELY NO READINGS ON EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS!!! I will decline your reading. I give honest answers based upon what is shown in the reading. I use tarot, oracle, numerology, and some astrology. Im also big on angel numbers. My preferred tools for reading are tarot and oracle. Please be sure to ask how, what and why questions for the best results. Who and when could vary. I do readings on SPIRITUALALITY, LOVE, CAREER, GOALS, PAST-LIFE, GENERAL ADVICE and TWIN FLAMES. Please provide very specific questions with general advice readings as with all inquiries. Names and DOB are preferred. REVIEWS ARE APPRECIATED I DO NOT offer readings on HEALTH , (including pregnancies), LEGAL MATTERS, LOTTERY NUMBERS AND ABSOLUTELY NO AFFAIRS. I also do not offer mediumship (speaking with deceased ones), however we can do an ancestral reading with the tarot and oracle. I will answer up to two questions. I may also pre-pull the card as this allows me more time to focus on the energy of the reading. If you have another question pertaining to something else, feel free to book another session with me and I will be happy to assist you with that as well. Please provide names and birthdates of your P.O.I. and all parties involved. Be very detailed with your inquiry as that will help me with said reading. Time is of the essence. I will not be able to answer more questions in the same reading. Again, I advise you to book a follow-up reading. I am a compassionate person and I will extend that energy to you. Please be considerate of my feelings as well. If you are rude or disrespectful, I will not do a future reading with you. I do not give time frames at the current moment. This may change at a later date. I do not give descriptions of parties/people unless I feel led to. Past life and dream interpretation readings are speculative. There is no way of fully proving the accuracy of them. Be mindful of this, realizing that such readings are for spiritual healing and entertainment purposes only. I believe in the sanctity of marriage. I won’t pass judgement on you for that type of inquiry, however, understand that I will not intentionally do readings on extramarital affairs. I can refer you to anther trusted reader who would be happy to assist you. Give the reading time to come to pass/ manifest. Also, remember that time is fluid and free will is always at play. Actions cause reactions and anything can change course given the opportunity. Be clear with the intentions of the outcome that you desire. Please leave reviews. It’s always a pleasure to see how one’s life has been touched positively by your own. If you leave a negative review, I will not be comfortable reading for you again in the future. I ask that before you leave a negative review that you reach out to me for clarity on your reading. Remember, no new (subject) questions will be answered.
About meIm over 40 and I have been a spiritually inclined person since my childhood. I’ve had and still have prophetic dreams/vision that have come to pass. I am clairsentient, clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircogonizant and clairalient (yes, I can smell spirits). I believe in the Laws of the Universe and try to live by them to my best ability. I honor my integrity. I am a certified tarot and oracle reader and I’m currently furthering my studies in astrology. I enjoy reading tarot and oracle as I am a bonified mystic and love to see stories (truths) unfold. I am a student and teacher for life!
17 Jun 24
Thank you 😊
12 Jun 24
Great reading! Thank you 😊
05 Jun 24
Very professional I felt
07 May 24
Thanks a lot! It was a good read.
06 Oct 23
Thank you
04 Oct 23
My second reading and truly a amazing person, she connects really well and gives lots of information. Thank you so much for bringing a smiling ☺️❤️🙏
15 Sep 23
Very happy with my reading left me feeling confident and happy I will definitely recommend and will be using again I will come back with an update for you xx
14 Sep 23
Wow! You was wrong about everything 😭 smh. I wonder who energy you was reading? Smh
13 Sep 23
Thank you
12 Sep 23
Wow, very accurate with reading.she touched a lot of actual points. Highly recommend! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
0readings since readings ()
Dragonfly Empress
Spiritual Advisor, Tarot, Oracle, Pend.
0readings since readings ()
Dragonfly Empress
Spiritual Advisor, Tarot, Oracle, Pend.
purple garden
Barges Technologies, Inc.