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About my servicesVirgo season FREE HOROSCOPES August 22nd to September 22nd 2024 For a full in-depth reading, feel free to reach out! ♈Aries frequency Virgo season The Moon is in your sign at the beginning of this Virgo frequency on the 22nd. The Sun is sitting eight houses from your energy at this time and you are looking at doing some Shadow work. Trusting others is going to be something that you are examining at this point. Leo season would have put you in a position to expand on some of those connections and refrain from others. As we move into the energies of Virgo season there are some dark spots that you need to sit and look at. Chiron is going to be affecting your ruler in a conjunction before the end of August, and there is a chance that old wounds can reopen. An energy of passive aggressiveness is going to be coming through for most of September and I'm here to warn you that others are going to be less than direct with their problems and feelings, and that won't be comfortable for you. Home and home life is likely going to have some big adjustments and for the first week it could hurt a lot. So pace yourself and remember your gratitude. There is a learning curve and an adjustment that comes in right before we end Virgo season around the 16th and the 20th, during that week there is a bombardment of agitation that's asking you to open up your mind and try a different way for a permanent result. 📝Special days of significance are the 22nd of August, the 24th of August, September 11th holds a great deal of opportunity for you to break through something that's been holding back, the 4th is a monumental day for movement in things associated with home and comfort and family, you will find the that the 16th is a pusher buttons kind of day and it's likely that you just need to be alone, same goes for the 20th. ♉Taurus energy Virgo season 2024 Love is in the air for you and there is a new Grace that's opening up in feelings of the heart. Relationships with children and /or creative projects are especially inspired at this time. You feel at home in that light-hearted environment. There is a sneaking feeling that your legacy is changing and although it's not coming in every single day as a big hit to the face, there is an underlying notable mood when it comes to the way that you perceive and project out what you want to be remembered for. This isn't going to stop, that's a 20-year frequency but over the next few years and especially this season, there is a note of progress being pushed faster than you're used to. Friendships are still really dry and it's likely that you're not aligning with those you used to socialize with at all anymore. Watch out for emotional spending. You can't fix everything with what's in your pockets, sometimes you need to let other people struggle In order for them to learn their lessons. You don't need to be the White Knight or the Savior Maiden, The only person you need to save is yourself. 📝Special days of significance, August 29th is a beautiful opportunity for you to start to feel your good about yourself again and make better choices for yourself and your body. August 23rd is a fantastic day to feel good about yourself as you are in a Taurus Moon and the vibe is recharge and reinvigorate. , the 19th through the 29th of August are going to be full of agitation, but your best bet is to lean into it with a small reprieve showing up on the 27th when you're asked to do something outside of the box. September 4th is a huge day for you Monumental in many ways, mark it on your calendar and take note of everything that happens because it is starting a massive cycle for you. September 14th and 15th and 16th are also monumental, but this is cathartic in some ways and you will be dealing with some Shadow aspects of your subconscious. ♊Gemini energy Virgo season 2024 As Virgo season starts your roots are activated at this time of the year; this is helping you revise how you feel about home. Your relationship to your mother may shift. Same with your siblings at this time. Engaging yourself with them to more of the level that you're comfortable with is what's on the docket. There are some pretty big energies showing up for you in Virgo season and it all starts off when Mercury trines Chiron and you have to absorb your energies and understand your traumas. There's going to be good things happening and at the same time you're going to be recognizing some painful stuff. “My own worst enemy is me” kind of thing. Quickly proceeding that Mars will sextile the ruler of your sign. . A fresh breath of release comes with Gemini Moon energy showing up on the 25th of August. This boost is Helping you feel rejuvenated and more aligned with yourself. On the 28th Mercury goes direct, And the pressure starts to lift. There were a lot of things that you learned in Leo season about yourself and your own capabilities, your goals, your values, and the way that you think about life. As we step into Virgo season, you are applying that to the core of who you are. Mercury will make another aspect to Chiron and help you soothe over some of those traumas that may have been buried and tripped you up over the retrograde. September 7th shows up with some surprises and some enlightenment before you feel a deep breath of relief on the 9th. When Mercury re-enters your fourth house. You're ready to move things around about what makes you feel safe and secure so that it fits better into the vision you have for this bigger future. The energy piles on positively as Mars makes us sextile on the 11th to Mercury, amping you up for the Full Moon eclipse Pisces on the 17th. Directly after that you're going to feel some breaks, on the 18th when Mercury makes an opposition to Saturn; There is a feeling of karma coming down in the environment related to the way that you project your energies out into the world. You may find that people just aren't cheering for you the way that you thought that they would and it can be humbling. Remember You don't need an audience, you're always on regardless about who's watching. So let the haters b**** and moan, by the time we are into the last days of Virgo season. You are moving very differently about who you want to share your life with and who's worthy of being in your vip area. 📝Gemini best days are, August 25th and 28th, September 11th and 17th are also very significant. ♋Cancer frequency Virgo season 2024 Week of 25th to 28th has a lot of stop and start energy with the 27th. Providing a lot of insight about what's coming by the time we are moving through the 30th of August. Cancer energy is feeling a lot more confident about their moods and their feelings. The beginning of September will have quite a jump off, but there may be some unwanted surprises in the mix as the moon enters Virgo and we have our new moon energy in the beginning week of September. You are feeling chatty and communicative. Probably relating to neighbors and siblings and co-workers at a different level. Applying new information that you've learned about your own perspective to the people closest to you. September 5th through 7th looks pretty good and once we hit the Scorpio moon there is a very warm and fuzzy feeling that's coming out of your love and relationship sector. The second week of September hosts a couple of challenges but it's nothing that you won't be able to see yourself through, but once we hit that Sagittarius Moon there is quite a few bumps from the 9th until the 12th. 12th you are having a bit of frustrations regarding authority and maybe even a power imbalances. The third week of September has an opposition for you with the Capricorn Moon showing up, but this is looking more like you stepping into a more responsible role and accountable place in your own destiny. Week September 16th to the 20th provides a lot of great opportunities for you to shine and with the exclusion of the 20th, everything looks like it's coming up Milhouse. Once we're in the last week of Virgo season, there will be some agitation for you and you might find that your friends are just not as supportive as you need them to be, this is a great time to go deeper with family connections and reconnect to those that you feel most safe with when fair weather friends fade away. 📝The luckiest days for Cancer the Aug 29th is the cancer new moon. This will be invigorating for you, the Scorpio Moon will also provide some emotional support and help. You have a cathartic experience with those that you adore, and the Pisces full moon with the eclipse is going to be very deep and fulfilling for you. If you let it. Don't shy away from those emotions, you need to feel them all the way through. Make sure you have a moon tracking app on your phone so that you know when the Moon is moving because that is your ruler and it explains everything. ♌Leo Virgo 2024 With your birthday in the rearview mirror, you are now ready to put your money where your mouth is. You're feeling much more confident about yourself and your experiences, although there have been some big changes rocking up and shaking up what you were settled in with. The Mercury retrograde did a number on your self-perception and probably provided a lot of insight about what's coming next. This is an opportunity for you to stand up and take control of your life again. You're not going to be able to do that if you just keep complaining about how life's not fair. September 8th shows you a face-to-face opposition with some serious frequencies of authority. It's likely that you're going to try to charm your way out of this, but I do not recommend it. If you have not been honest, that will show through by the 12th and there is a sudden uprising on the 19th that has everything shaking for you. Your best bet here is to be humbled, so so humble. The more egotistical and confident you bring yourself into these exchanges with the collective, the harder they're going to hit you with their need for authenticity and their distrust of cockiness. 📝Best day for Leo in this frequency would be the Leo Moon , and that is on August 30th and 31st. At this time you're going to feel encouraged and reset. Watch out for a really hard day on the 8th of September and the 12th of September. If you are still living in your delusions by the 20th of September, these will be ripped away in violent ways. Get real with yourself. Be honest,. ♍Virgo Happy Birthday baby Virgo season 2024 Astro Brie Back in Leo season before Mercury even went retrograde on the 4th. Venus entered your sign, and then Mercury went retrograde and you were able to direct the rewrite that was being applied to the lives of all those around you. Some of you got sick, some of you had a mishap occur, but ultimately it was your cancellation and your adjustment that affected so many other people this summer. This was a lesson in understanding how connected you are. You may not see yourself as such a vital important part of the atmosphere you're in, but you are. This retrograde was meant to show you that when you can't or won't step into your adventures, the universe literally holds the door and waits. There is a lot of forceful energy slowing you down this time trying to get you to take care of yourself and ease up on yourself and provide yourself with more credit and support. This is as a result of Saturn reflecting onto your sign from across the zodiac and Pisces. If you do not take care of yourself, everything stops. That had to be the major lesson to absorb this Mercury retrograde and as we move into your sign and your season and your birthday approaches, there is so many beautiful flowers blooming for you. Mercury is making some extremely powerful, dynamic, encouraging energy aspect to other planets that are developing you into a more well-rounded and capable active member in your own destiny. As September rolls in and the kids go back to school and schedules start to settle in, there is a somber and peaceful frequency developing and it's emulating from you. The first aspect after the Moon enters your sign on the 1st is a beautiful connection between Mercury and The wounded healer, planetoid Chiron. Fully aware of how to and where to focus your healing energies. Your trauma has definitely left a pathway through to how you can approach and heal and help others as well as yourself. Mercury will move on and make an alarming aspect to the planet Uranus and there may be some shocking insight that's shown up around the 7th of September, understand that there is always going to be more to learn and being humble In a student mood is how we grow and become wiser ourselves. Mercury will re-enter Virgo and you will feel at home and much more comfortable in your own skin by the 9th of September and you may even find that this is the time you want to get involved in group activities or health focused athletic endeavors. The full moon in Pisces eclipse is going to awaken a lot of things for you and as the lunar eclipse shows up all of those rules and stipulations that you have recognized, you need for yourself in order to grow big and strong and embrace your full potential are illuminated. What you are able to apply now because of your insight over what happens when you don't support yourself and fill your own cup first are starting to be structured. There's also a big letting go when it comes to sacrificing yourself in the name of supporting others. You're releasing the idea that you need to be a doormat in order to be appreciated and you're starting to understand that the bigger and stronger that you are, the more you attract people who actively want to support you in that growth. Mercury will come into an opposition with Saturn right after the eclipse and then it's going to make a square to Jupiter within the week, these are growing pains, there is going to be some adjustments that are needed to be made in order to fit in your new self-imposed expectations In your life. 📝The Virgo Moon will open up the month of September and we have a new moon on the 2nd with the full moon eclipse happening on the 17th. I highly recommend taking the 17th and 18th and maybe even the 16th as personal days where you just let yourself not be available for other people's desires and needs. This is an awesome full moon for you to just be home and doing what feels good and safe and reliable for yourself. ♎Libra Virgo season 2024 Astro Brie August 27th has you feeling very empowered and encouraged, but the 28 th has your big potent powerful energy torn down a little bit so expect a bit of a roller coaster in the last week of August. As Venus enters your sign there are some heavy frequencies showing up right away on the 29th and you may find that power dynamics are definitely in full swing, but you are coming out on top. On the 4th of September. There is a rebellious frequency that's coming through that is absolutely unimaginable you're going to want to just take life by the horns and throw caution to the wind. I would indulge myself but be careful about speeding when driving, arguing with friends, and fighting with customer service people. Nobody is going to feel as confident as you that day and it's likely that you could do some true damage. If you're not careful with your words. On the 15th there is a bountiful positive frequency coming through. That's probably your best day all month, this may look like travel, it may look like a fabulous date, whatever it is. It's got your dopamine running. The Pisces full moon is in a weird spot for you and these eclipses that are coming over the next 2 and 1/2 years are no joke. The Pisces full moon eclipse is one that's going to be felt for you in a capacity and How you care for yourself and what you do for yourself. With these being in your 12 and 6 house you may find that enemies are showing up and making themselves known, there's also going to be some hostility and self-doubt floating around in your internal area. Be careful about the words that you tell yourself and make sure that you're coaching yourself back into encouragement and positive manifestation when those negative narratives start to pop up. For this full moon, I think it would be an excellent opportunity for you to do meditation and really focus on your spirituality dream. Maybe even take a trip to a foreign place if that's an option, but definitely do not engage yourself with people that can't be trusted or people that you don't know for certain are on your side. This may also incur a certain type of illness or sickness on the physical level. If you haven't been taking care of your mind, it will show up as a physical illness and make you more susceptible to flu and colds. The healthier our mind and spirit are the healthier our body can be. 📝Best days for Libra frequency September 4th and September 15th our pretty awesome days but the 4th does have some frequencies of rebellious and over extension of ego so watch out there. The 15th however looks like a great day. I would buy a lottery ticket. ♏Scorpio frequency Virgo season 2024 Astro Brie A Cathartic triggered moment pops up around the 27th of August. Leading you into the Mercury retrograde end on the 28th. As things start to amp up, your frequency is developed further as we enter September. On the 3rd there is a tearing away of delusion that you may have been holding on to just before your sign and there's cancer and you are feeling more invigorated to expand your mind on personal philosophies and morals that you have been holding on to for the last 2 years. You're feeling really good about yourself by the 7th as we enter this Scorpio moon and there is a commitment that you are making now to yourself as you are standing as your own authority in the face of the transformations that you've recently endured. Your friend group is also being highlighted at this time and you may find that pleasures of ease and comfort are just not the same as they used to be. You're wanting for something deeper and it's showing up in the way that you are prioritizing things differently. On the 11th There's also a bit of an Epiphany moment that can help you help in this new trajectory or responsibility and maturity.. For the last half of Virgo season from the 16th to the 22nd, there are some bumps in the road and it's very vital that you are watching your temper at this time and underhanded or passive aggressive remarks will do a load of damage if you let them. Mind yourself and your boundaries at this time. 📝The best days for Scorpio is the 7th with the moon In your sign. A full moon eclipse also provides a lot of insight into love, love, and your relationship to your creative pursuits, as well as your children and the connection you share with them. ♐Sagittarius frequency Virgo season 2024 Closing up August, as mercury goes direct and the planets start to align in Virgo, we see a big focus on legacy and big goals. Your career is taking a front seat in your priorities bus, And the movement is encouraging. A lot of stops and starts were happening for you during the Mercury retrograde and with that passing by as we enter September there is a fullness and newness that is taking over for you. Mars is going to move into your aid's house and you may find that you're ready to do the deep diving into your own trailers and traumas in order to get past some of the self-imposed limitations that you've had as a result of some of the harder experiences you've been thrown up into this point. The 12th has an agitating authoritarian pressure on you and you may find that you just don't have enough spoons to do what you had been doing and going at the pace you were going for the second week of September. Pace yourself from the 12th until the 21st to make the most of that speed bump. The 15th actually is a great day for you with some beautiful opportunities for ease and rest if you take them. The full moon eclipse is about career legacy and purpose, so stand and be proud to accept the notoriety that you're getting and if you find that there is criticism or you're being pulled in two different directions between home and work, this is an excellent time to sit down with those that are closest to you and let them understand why your priorities are in order that they're in. 📝The best day for sag is the 9th when the Moon is entering your sign and the 15th when Venus trines your ruler, offering you an optimal rest today where you can indulge in things that make you feel good about yourself. ♑Capricorn Virgo season 2024 With your roller being retrograde in Pisces, there is a lot of activity. The Mercury retrograde brought you to help you understand the rules of your siblings and those that are closest In proximity to you physically in your life, this may also include neighbors and co-workers. The influence that these people have on you isn't something that needs to be ignored, as structured and powerful as you are. You still have a very sensitive spot about you that needs to know that your hard work is being appreciated. Most of Leo season had agitation and stress for you, but as we move into your fellow Earth side Virgo season, you are feeling a breath of fresh air as everything starts to move back at a regular predictable Pace. The new moon and Virgo offers you a very comforting and encouraging new start, especially in relationship to your vision for the future and your hopes for humanity. You're feeling more and confident in your morals and your values at this time, you may find that travel is back up on the top of the docket because you're believing in yourself again. The 8th has an opposition between the Sun and your ruler at 16° retrograde of Pisces , at this time you may find that there is just not enough gas in the car to keep going. This is an excellent time to take a break and revise your priorities, so that you're actually walking the talk and not just speaking some b*******. 📝The 17th and 18th are going to be very overwhelming with a lot of epiphanies when it comes to these themes of thought, pattern and perception. But everything will come to accumulation with a deeper understanding about your personal values and your belief systems by the 30th of September when we're well into Libra season. ♒Aquarius frequency Virgo season 2024 Starting off with a breath of fresh air on the 27th, Venus will make a beautiful aspect to Uranus and this is coming from two earthy energies. You are being asked to look at debts involving homes and security. You may also have to have a deep conversation about things that are hard to admit. But this is important because it has been a long time that you stood on your own. Two feet like this. Budgeting is probably something that's going to come into the conversation and it's likely that shared resources are also a very vital and key player in the path forward and through this stress. Your ruler goes retrograde on the 1st of September and as this happens, you will find that talking about what you envision for the root that you're planting in this world and the legacy you want to be remembered for. You've been reinventing it since 2018 And the vision is almost perfected, there is a couple more adjustments to be made about the progress that you've had over the last 6 months, and crossing tees and dotting eyes seems to be at the front and center of the focus. Playing things by the book again for a few months is what's being asked of you as Pluto leaves your sign in the winter and moves back into Capricorn. The full moon eclipse is followed by a trine 2. Uranus and the hard work and the effort that you've put in up to this point by playing by the rules is recognized and signed off on by the highest of all powers. 📝Best days for Aquarius Venus shrines Uranus on the 27th and activates a support system from those most trusted. You're going to feel encouraged and recharged when the moon enters your sign on the 14th ♓Pisces Virgo season 2024 The 28th of August offers a rude awakening followed by a jumpscare. This is the activation of Venus opposite Neptune. You may find that there are some stressors when it comes to the way you relate to others and those that you have trusted to be partnering with you in this lifetime. There's some kind of veil that's being lifted and you are no longer living in that same delusional hope that you had been riding on for so long. As we move September moves in the first week. We'll have you moving differently and directing your desires towards creative outlets and passionate exchanges. You may find the children are a little irritating at this time and although there are some power struggles in relationship to love and kids. Ultimately, you are set on your path and moving at a pace that feels more comfortable. The full moon is no joke this time, it is 100% coming for you and activating a 2-year cycle that you will be embodying and as you encompass your full vision for the fairy tale life that you want into a practical understanding of what needs to be done in order to achieve your goals. You're doing the work and you're putting in the effort. Make sure to reward yourself along the way. September 12th does have a bit of an agitation for you as you find that home versus self are not aligning. This is an excellent time for you to take a day off and be by yourself out of the home and away from your regular responsibility to feel a little bit of reprieve. These are big energies moving in on you and with the nodes activating in your side and in Virgo it's not going to let up for quite some time so pace yourself. The 15th is a fantastic day for you, but very quickly after there is an unavoidable calamity where you are faced with some hard truths on the 21st. Pay attention to conversations with material people, you may find it. You're catching people in their dishonesty and although you have the compassion to understand why they may have been dishonest, you can't lie to yourself any longer. As Virgo season closes up, the failure is all but gone and you are very much dealing in superimposed real time consequences. It's not that your dreams are fantasy or unachievable, it's just that without doing the work and keeping the commitment to yourself, they're absolutely never going to materialize. You have to keep those promises and put in the effort to see it all the way through. 📝Best days for Pisces, September 15th, the 17th lunar eclipse is a big day but it could go either way,a) be really great if you stick to your guns or b) it can be a big pile of crap If you fall back into old patterns of escapism. the 12th is also a very hard day. So mind yourself that entire week. The beginning of a 2-year pathway towards the kind of future. You envision yourself as a child. But without putting in the effort you will not see anything but defeat. Keep the promise to yourself and Just keep swimming. #astrology #horoscope
About meI'm a third generation astrologer. I have been studying both heliocentric tropical and sidereal astrology for half a decade and performing readings locally and internationally via social media, my own personal website, psychic fairs and now this psychic app. I perform psychic readings to connect with loved ones on the other side, including pets and family and lovers. having the birthday or death date or both helps to connect with those that have passed on. *†**
19 Sep 24
great reading
Marissa Angelique
19 Sep 24
Brie is very personable and really cares about her clients and I love how excited she gets to mentor and guide me. She’s been spot on since the gecko!
17 Sep 24
great reading
15 Sep 24
great reading
14 Sep 24
Excellent reading as always! Thank you.
14 Sep 24
great call
13 Sep 24
Thank you highly recommended just really disappointed in lack of response about any follow up questions
13 Sep 24
good reading, always accurate
13 Sep 24
great reading
11 Sep 24
always accurate
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