Val Freya
1,217readings since 2023readings (2023)
About my services****** Please fully read profile before calling/ordering. ****** I am a Medium and Channeler who has been helping clients get insights for over 25 years. Today, I have a private business that serves clients internationally, I do live events and occasionally assist with investigations. I love being here on Purple Ocean/ Purple Garden where I get to serve you. I have a powerful connection to both Spirit and the collective. I deliver messages directly from Spirit without any judgment or opinion of my own. When you read with me you know you will only recieve the unaltered messages as they come through. ⭐️ Please know that I will always deliver the messages exactly as I recieve them from Spirit. Readings should be a positive experience. So,🛑 before selecting me, 🛑 ⭐️ Please center yourself and come with an open mind and heart. If you come with set expectation, that may not result in the best possible experience. I only ever bring through what Spirit offers. I never judge (and neither does spirit) and I will never fabricate answers or a certain level of detail that isn’t coming through. If you have a specific level of expectation, I am not the right advisor for you. ⭐️ Please pause and ask if hearing something that you do not want to hear will trigger you, or if not hearing something you hope to hear will dissapoint you. Readings should be a positive experience, even if the message is difficult. Often these types of readings confirm something that you already know inside. If you think you may be triggered or have a very negative response to a challenging message, I am likely not the advisor for you. Thank you. 🙏🏻 ⭐️ Please know that anything less than 10 mins for a reading may not result in the best possible experience. ⭐️ If you order a 24hr reading, anticipate that it will take 24 hrs. 🚨 2 questions max for video readings. Please remember, I only have 3 mins to respond in your order. If you provide more that 2 questions, I will address the first 2 listed. 🚨 No mediumship readings via video order. ⭐️ Please allow the messaging feature to be for clarifications only. This feature is not intended for unrelated questions or additional questions/readings. This feature is also not intended to “finish the reading” if your call ends. I will always do my very best to serve Spirit and you — to ensure the best connection, I will answer a limited number of clarifying questions, if additional information is needed please place a follow-up call or order a follow-up reading for additional questions. 🚨 Please remember that the messaging feature automatically locks. As long as it remains open, I will respond. If I am recieving a high volume of calls or completing other video readings, it may take more time for me to respond. Please allow some time. For live calls, this feature locks within 15 minutes of your reading. If I am online taking other calls, messaging may lock before I am able to respond. I cannot control this and I apologize in advance if this happens. ⭐️ I prefer not to provide timelines. If I recieve a timeline projection during your reading, I will communicate it. But, I ask that they always be taken gently and with the understanding that timelines often shift. We all have the gift of free-will and our decisions impact outcomes and timing. ⭐️ Readings and predictions can change as our, or others, decisions or energy changes. I ask people to consider how many times they may think through something or change their mind before actually acting upon a decision. When asked for predictions, Spirit will provide the likely outcomes given the current energies and projection of those energies—but this can change. ⭐️ Never make decisions, especially major decisions, based off of a reading. Take the information as one small piece along with your own inner guidance, experience, knowledge and desires. Always use your own best judgement. Always do what feels right and what resonates to you. You alone are responsible for your decisions. ⭐️ I cannot address questions such as “If I do ‘this’ then, what will happen?”, or “If I say ‘that’, how will they respond?” These are essentially hypothetical scenarios — there is no energy around these types of questions. I want you to have the very best experience, even if it is not with me — If these sound like the types of questions you have, I am not the best advisor for you. ⭐️ Please remember that I am a Medium. I get my information differently that many others. If you are looking for “exactly this”, or “exactly that”, I am not the best advisor for you. Spirit provides beautiful messages but, does not deal in exacts. Again, we all have free-will and Spirit, not only recognizes that but further, will never say anything that could interrupt your, or anyones, free-will. 🚨 Also please know that when working with Spirit we have to be open and understanding that there are certain things that won’t come through, even if asked directly, because we are just simply not meant to know; or there are things that we need to learn, discover or experience without advanced knowledge. 🚨Additionally, I do not provide features and characteristics in most cases. When I do recieve information like this, I will bring those messages through however, I cannot answer these questions on command. 🚨 There are certain topics I cannot discuss including health, life expectancy, death, pregnancy, fertility, legal or court matters, lottery and investments. This list is subject to change without notice. 🚨 I am not a licensed healthcare or mental health provider. If you are experiencing or believe you may be experiencing physical symptoms or mental/ psychological challenges, you are hereby advised to see a licensed professional. ❌ Regarding Negative Reviews ❌ I truly wrestled with adding this section to my profile. But, after meditating on it— I offer the below with only love, light and positive intention… Because I do not get the opportunity to respond to negative reviews… Please consider that not resonating with me or my style, or not recieving the answer or level of detail that you desire is very different than me not giving my every effort to answer your questions and provide you with the best possible experience given the information and level of detail that Spirit is providing for your reading. It is my commitment to you and Spirit to only pass on the information I recieve. I will never fabricate answers or details. I never judge and never offer opinion. I never ignore or gloss over your questions; I relay the answer that Spirit provides for you and clarify as much as possible with what I am recieving for you. If your situation is basic, the messages that come through are likely to be basic. Like that movie “He’s just not that into you”, sometimes the message is simple. Please remember I’m simply the messenger/translator for your people and guides in Spirit. I never judge. Spirit never judges. The messages delivered in your reading are done so with loving intention to provide clarity, guidance, etc. I care immensely about what I do and serving you. I respect your time, energy and investment in a reading. It is an honor for me to be selected by you and I will always give all of my energy and abilities to connect for you during your reading. So, I offer these words with positive intention, from my heartspace, to ask that you… Please consider that a reading that maybe isn’t 100% what you expected, is another person’s entire life and purpose and, in some cases, livelihood. Please do not hold me accountable if you selected me without reading my profile and did not have the experience you desired. I am very transparent in my profile. If a reading with me does not resonate with you, I fully understand and respect that. I truly hope you find the advisor that you feel fully connected with. My only request is that you please consider that I am human, I have feelings and I sincerely give my all for each and every reading. And, as a human with human emotions — if you leave a negative review, I reserve the right to not reengage if/when you call me again. Thank you so much for listening. 🙏🏻💛🙏🏻 🚨 Please remember that here on Purple Ocean/ Purple Garden, readings are for entertainment purposes only.
About meI recognized my ability to communicate with Spirit at a very young age. I was fortunate to have a grandmother who recognized my abilities and helped me along the way in my early years. Later in life I was fortunate to have amazing, wonderful teachers and mentors who enabled me to hone and sharpen my abilities. Today, I’ve dedicated myself in the service of Source, Spirit and you. I have a private business that offers readings and coaching services to clients across the globe. I write a great deal and have a growing list of work available to the public. I absolutely love doing live events! I am sometimes asked to assist with certain investigations. I also dedicate myself to helping children with abilities and their families. My goal is to help you with anything at all but, please remember that Spirit brings the messages. I generally read without tools however, I am able to access the Tarot, Oracle and Angel decks at your request. I can also offer Crystal or pendulum readings at your request. I also offer law of attraction coaching, enhancing spiritual ability coaching, children with abilities coaching, and much more! Ask me about coaching if you are interested in learning more.
20 Mar 24
amazing ❤️❤️💕❤️❤️
20 Mar 24
My go to and favorite reader on here. She has assisted me more than she will ever know. Thank you so much for your guidance. Always appreciated.
13 Mar 24
Thank you so very much Freya, sorry I ran out of funds but it was amazing connecting with you again ❤️
12 Mar 24
Amazing!! Shes such a sweet soul and always easy to talk to ☺️
11 Mar 24
wonderful ❤️🫶🏻
Cherie Chevis
10 Mar 24
Val Freya is AMAZING. She always give accurate messages with lots of details and clarity! I trust her messages! Everything she has told me in the past, has happened! I’m so happy to see her back in action! Y’all try her out! You won’t regret it! & thanks Val Freya for all that you do! ❤️❤️❤️
21 Jul 23
Her reading was very basic and general. Not very convinced that she has true psychic gift. I don’t like giving red frown faces so my only other option is a green smile for the effort.
Evelyn Khoo
19 Jul 23
she is patient and empathetic
19 Jul 23
She is absolutely amazing!!
eriko k
19 Jul 23
thank you so much as always. I've run out of time, but I look forward to talking with you again soon.
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Val Freya
No Tools, Medium, Channeler
0readings since readings ()
Val Freya
No Tools, Medium, Channeler