Raven Black Star
2,038readings since 2022readings (2022)
About my servicesI am a Spiritual Advisor using the tarot to aid me in giving the most accurate, compassionate and honest guidance for your inquiry. I believe that all message are for your greatest and Highest Good. I do my best to come to your reading with an open heart so that I may provide you with honest and compasionate advice as seen through the spirit of the Tarot.
About meMy Name is Raven Black Star, Spritualist, Artist, and Friend. I have been a Spiritual Advisor and Tarot Reader for more than 25 years. The Universe has taught me faith on my complex road of life. I am here today - Grateful, Thankful.
Edward L
27 Jul 24
How can I see if it’s coming?
19 Jul 24
amazing, speechless, very honest. thank you! can’t wait!
17 Jul 24
I wish there was a number rating at times, the reading was good but some parts of the conversation was confusing. like she gave me an answer then switched the answer, at the beginning I told her my bday was in September then in the messages afterwards she said Happy Birthday. I don’t know, I do feel like she picked up well on my POI but wished she could have gave a little more. Over all, it was ok.
16 Jul 24
Straightforward and clear advice. In alignment with what is happening and seems accurate. I appreciate you and the magic work you are delivering. Thank you ✨💕🤗🌍
matchstick mary
14 Jul 24
raven is extremely psychic and always generous with her readings. I love the tarot deck she uses too.
11 Jul 24
Very Accurate reading. It was painful to hear but that is what I want in a reading, someone who wont sugar coat anything. Bless you Raven.
11 Jul 24
Raven seems to be spot on.
Jeffrey Brandon
10 Jul 24
Thank you you seem to connect very well
matchstick mary
10 Jul 24
love her readings!
09 Jul 24
The entire reading was random and unclear.
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Raven Black Star
Spiritual Tarot
0readings since readings ()
Raven Black Star
Spiritual Tarot
purple garden
Barges Technologies, Inc.