About my servicesI’m an intuitive empath card reader, I also use a pendulum at times to assit in my readings.
Its my mission to help you on your life’s path. I will always be honest with messages relayed to me from my spirit guides into your cards.
I will not sugar coat readings and will relay the messages spirit guides me into your cards, so if it’s not what you want to hear please do not leave me a bad review as I can not control what the Universe has in store for you! Sometimes we have to walk through hot firey coals to reach that beautiful outcome you would not have experienced had you have not had a tough road ahead!
‼️If you request a 24 hour read pleae keep in mind I have 24 hours to respond! Please try to be patient, as I understand you’re in a difficult situation.
I’m not available all of the time. ‼️
‼️‼️If you are tryyng to “test me” DON’T. If you leave a bad review DON’T book with me again as I WON’T read for you! Clearly our energies didn’t jive the 1st time, they won’t ever jive, so don’t waste your time attempting to come back!!‼️‼️
💫When getting a reading try to formulate your question as clearly as possible!
💕 In love readings i ask that you limit your question to one person of interst! If there are multiple in that one question it can be easy to mix up the energies of the people involved.
💕🌈 I am welcime to all relationships as love is love in my book! I’m very iprn to the LGTBQI community! 🌈💕
🚫PLEASE read my NO GO’s🚫
I DONOT offer legal advice, no health or death questions, no pregnancy questions, no lucky numbers/lottery questions, no gambling advice, no celebrity questions, no political questions, no immigration wuestions, no timelines…the universe does not see time like we see time only here on earth we measure time so timelines from spirit may be off compared to here and ill talk about that in my intro video, and no past life readings.
💫I offer up to ONE follow up question for clarification if you’re still confused. Depending on my order volume’s, I may not be able to get back to you right away, but I will answer!
💕💫I am truly excited to meet you all! Sending out love, light and prosperity!💕💫
About meHi my name is Carrie I’ve been an empath intuitive since i was 6 years old. I love astrology and natal charts. I’ve been doing tarot, oracle and love readings professionally for a few years. I truly enjoy helping people heal and get intuned with their life’s path here on earth.