Pentacle Queen
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5,206readings since 2021readings (2021)
About my services🧿✡️ Gratitude to my Heigher Self. I owe and surrender my spiritual gifts to my Heigher Self ❤️🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯 🙏🏻 Update:- Readings resumed from 23rd September. Service update:- Live calls- 5am - 11am IST 6.30pm- 12am IST 🧿Hello! I am Pentacle Queen - Trupti, celebrity voted most accurate psychic Love relationship life Coach, all the way from India. 🤍I cater outside this platform, so in case I am not available, please ping me/ nudge me, and I shall be surely back soon. I am at IST zone so in case if you message me and you dont hear back from me, please be patient, I will get back to you asap. 🔯Guidance I offer:- ❤️ Channeled messages from my Higher self - Only through LIVE readings. ❤️ Voted the most accurate life coaching - only through Live readings. - What's the purpose of your life, how to heal from past relationship, how to heal from childhood trauma, how to raise vibrations, how to be emotionally strong person, how to navigate through life problems. ❤️Love, Relationship, Marriage, third-party situation. ❤️ Twinflame / Soulamte/ Karmic Relationship. ❤️ What's the future of my relationship/ love life? ❤️ New love, new person energies ❤️ Mediumship readings only through live readings. 💰 Career, job, and finance related questions ( within PO/ PG rules ) ❤️ I read through tarot cards/ Oracle cards/ pendulum/ psychic/ channeled messages. If you want anything specific, please let me know. 🔯Before placing the order:- 🔯 Please provide your name, POI name, specific question, and relationship status ( no contact, third party, extra marital, school crush) ✡️ NO LEGAL/ Health/ Medical/ Visa/ Lottery/ Black Magick/ Spells/ TIME-FRAME/ GENERAL questions. 🙏 ✡️ Seek Absolute Mutual Respect. I am here to help you. The moment I feel my energies are pressurized, I will refuse the reading. ✡️ 24 hr/ Rush hr. orders on PO- : Only 2 questions per order. If you put more, I will answer the first 2 only. It's just a 3-minute video. ✡️ No, if you already know the answers! No test readings. ✡️ No, if you can't wait for things to happen in the future. ✡️ Live Chat/ Calls - Please finish the reading during the LIVE session. No questions in the comments box please, as the windows closes too soon. ✡️☎️ Voice calls - If you are okay with Indian accent, you are most welcome to connect. ✡️ Try out :- Only 2 questions. There are no questions in the comments box. ✡️ Pricing is subjective and individualized. Please check carefully what you are opting for before you order. No negative comments/ reviews about pricing, please 🙏 Disclaimer: Tarot card reading does not replace any professional medical/ legal/ business opinion and advice.
About meHello soul family! I am second generation practitioner, Life Coach, Certified Tarot card reader, Psychic medium, Dice divinator, and a Reiki master. I have been on my spiritual journey for a couple of years. I have delivered more than 10k readings over the time. I read through channeled messages from my Higher self. I obey my Higher self. I am on the path of Kundalini Awakening. I have also been a financial specialist for two decades. I love to cook and read. Cat parent 💕 blessings from my Higher self! ✡ Namste! ❤️✡️🙏
21 Oct 24
Connects quickly via chat and answers your questions. thanks Queen!
21 Oct 24
The Queen!! so many specific and pertinent details given. thank you so much for answering my questions and more!! fantastic read. 💜💫💫💜💫💫💜
18 Oct 24
Very good reading
14 Oct 24
thanks 🙏
13 Oct 24
13 Oct 24
09 Oct 24
amazing 💜
09 Oct 24
Thank you so much!!!
04 Oct 24
very detailed and accurate.
30 Sep 24
great reading!
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Pentacle Queen
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Pentacle Queen
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