8readings since 2021readings (2021)
About my servicesI am the Oracle, blessed with true insight, I have many times been called on by other Psychics and Mediums to read for them personally or as a consult for difficult to read clients, (basiclly known as the Psychic’s Psychic. ) I can recieve channeled messages from your holiest and highest Angels, sometimes I use Tools such as, Tarot, Numerology, Pendulum, Dowsing, Runes, Smoke, Flower & Aura Readings, plus my ancestral mystical insights that dates as far back as the 1540’s from distant relative ‘Saint John of the Cross. ’ You are here for a reason, let’s get started together, your wings are waiting, why not fly? I can help you cut through the static in the world so you can see that you have many more options and answers that are available to you. I do NOT aleays tell a client what they want to hear but what they NEED to hear for the highest and best for all concerned. Many of my customes have told me even though they did not hear what they wanted at the time, that what they truly desired did come to them with my quidance. So a bit of tough love up front to get the sweetness of life later. I can read quickly while giving lots of information when needed. (As with guidelines of the service I can not give advice on Legal or Medical issues.)
About meI have found that the writings of Rumi ring true with how I belive that I can be of service to you. I believe each of us are here to help and love one another and in being of service we can each make this a better world. I believe that “You were born to be great You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, You have wings.”…. Let me help you find them again… so you can fly like you were meant to. From You we’re born with wings, by - Rumi I can help get the answers you need be it relationships, self care, career, personal growth/spirituality, or finances to see where you might be “crawling”, as Rumi says. For many the static of life gets in the way of our true path. With my Psychic abilities, Spirtual Mediumship assisted by my Angels, Guides and tapping into the Divine I can help you find your way back to your true north to use your wings. I have been reading tarot, faces and palms since the early 1980’s I have taken many classes with world famous teachers to finely tune my natural abilities. I am an ALLY to the LBGTQ community i also enjoy reading, learning, I am a 💎Graduate Gemologist💎, an Artist, I love Animals and have dogs and cats. I enjoy live music and concerts espically enjoying music from the 80’s, 90’s and 2000 era. I would love to travel more and currently I am the full time caregiver for my 101+ year old father when you order a reading with me you help my father, (who served in the Navy during WWII,) stay in his own home. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You💜 I look forward to helping you get the answers that you seek, blessings and I can not wait to assist you to live your best life. 🦋🔮🦋
17 Nov 21
Thank you!
11 Oct 21
Thank you!
0readings since readings ()
Psychic, Tarot,Numerology, Angel Channel
0readings since readings ()
Psychic, Tarot,Numerology, Angel Channel