About my servicesSpiritual Advisor / Coach
About me———————————
A little about Who I am and what I am offering:
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-Picture in your mind’s eye sitting by a warm fire and having the conversation of your lifetime.
The kind of conversation that alters the trajectory of your life in miraculous ways.
-Who I am, is a clear channel for communication
-Who I am, is the listening for the disappearance of all suffering and pain in the universe
-Who I am is a brother, a son and a friend
-Who I am, is deeply moved by people and humanity
-My intention here is providing access in being complete, clear, restful, peaceful, confident, loved, loving, compassionate and being someone who is experiencing the possibility of being fully forgiven.
-I have been practicing many modalities for receiving and giving messages for over 30 years. I started with a set of rune stones and a dream interpretation book as gifts from a very special friend of mine.
I received my first set of tarot cards from another special friend of mine. I learned the tarot from a very generous and loving friend. ♥️🌎♥️ some gifts I am actively expanding are being clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and claircognizant.
-I’ve discovered that gifts are to be given away. I am creating being of service to and for all of humanity and SPIRIT, The Eternal. The Well-Spring WE ALL originate from.
-I have added the practices of many more modalities along the way.
One example is the practice of using a pendulum.
-I use multiple modalities in your customized readings.
-I am an acknowledged empath
-I am always honing and practicing my craft in circles with other mediums and psychics.
This practice of practicing is always expanding my gifts for being of full service for and to humanity.
-In these many practice groups, I am learning new ways of accessing SPIRIT, The Universe, God, Angels and the endless records that are available for access for One’s Life and ALL of LIFE.
I also experience new ways of how SPIRIT, The Universe, God, Angels and the endless records of people’s lives and Life itself access me. The communication is a 2-way street.
-One of the ways that The Eternal accesses me is through beauty.
One of the ways that I access The Eternal is through community.
-I give accurate and compassionate readings. There is a term called “ruthless compassion”, you can count on me saying what I see in the reading.
My intention is delivering the message and reading in a way that has you pulled into speculation of some possible actions or possible ways of being that give you access to a new future, the one you want.
-Sometimes you may dismiss or resist what is being said. This is an ordinary function of being a human being as we want to hear what we want to hear and when we want to hear it. I intend on giving the reading in a way that is encouraging and leaves you with being empowered.
-Sometimes a reading contains something that we MUST hear and that we do not want to hear. The immediate reaction might be one of upset or disbelief and that is okay.
-Some words from a friend of mine:
“Let the reading settle for a minimum of 3-4 weeks and see what unfolds for you.
Be patient with the reading and yourself” ♥️🌎♥️
-Being Alowing is all up to you. 👼🏼
Topics and areas of life:
Moving homes, career changes and choices, money, relationships, promotions, love, romance, education, learning, family and friends.
I am comfortable with all topics including and not limited to LGBQTP, death and dying, divorce support as well as understanding modern love and relationships and life’s other exciting opportunities such as marriage, vacations, leisure time and spirituality.
-If you are reading this, “I got the calling”. I literally heard the calling and in turn the calling pulls me forward. It’s a vortex pulling my being forward.
Questions I do not engage in and will politely decline:
-I do not engage in questions regarding dating men or women who are already married.
Here is the answer to that question: Married people are not available. Don’t be in this type of relationship if you are expecting something more. If you are occupying your time with a married person, in essence, you are not available for relationships with people who are available as long as you are occupying your time with someone that is currently not fully available.
If there are no expectations other than sex and fun and each partner and thier husbands and/or wives know then that is a different story and falls under polygamy and “open” types of relationships.
-I will not engage in a question such as, “When will they leave their husband or wife for me.
” See reasons above.
-I do not engage in health readings or timelines regarding death, dying or sickness or deployment in the military or branches of the armed forces.
-I do not give recommendations for health treatments.
Please contact a medical doctor for your physical health.
Possible ways of altering the predictable future are:
-I may offer practicing a “new possible way of being and acting” that may aid in enlivening a vibrant mind, a healthy heart, body and lifestyle bringing forth a new reality or the beginning of a new occurrence in life for you and a new possibility resulting in a shift of viewpoint.
This shift in viewpoint is what alters the predictable future that is based on the past. This is for you to discover as blocks and restrictions are revealed that are keeping you from having what you want in life both physically and spiritually.
As we are discovering blocks and restrictions to what you want in your life and spiritually we are creating a pathway to bring forth the new reality. To experience what you want in life one must be willing to consider other viewpoints.
Ordering Instructions:
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Thank you in advance for ordering a reading from me.
-I offer answers to two questions on one topic. -No new questions will be answered in messages.
-A video is great but not necessary.
-Please provide full birthdates on all people you are inquiring about. For example you and your sibling, daughter, son or significant other.
I give honest readings with love and care. I respect a person’s life path too much to offer false hope.
Psychic readings can offer insight on new pathways to your goals.
-Sometimes I can get a timeline and sometimes not. Psychic timing is always in motion. The future isn’t set in stone. The future is malleable at the level of action based on creating new actions and practicing new ways of being that you have never practiced before.
-Due to call volume and time constraints, any follow up messages are not guaranteed and I will do my best to leave you with being satisfied and taken care of.
-For “Try Out” Mode - I do not answer any further clarification questions in the comments following the free tryout reading.
Please feel free to book a paid session.
-Referals are always welcomed and greatly appreciated.
Love, Light and Manifesting Your Dreams,
Aaron - The Pajama Psychic ♥️🌎♥️