Helias Astral
2,351readings since 2021readings (2021)
About my servicesGuided by the loving presence of Angels, our Tarot Readings are a journey of spiritual evolution. Within their wisdom, you will discover profound insights, emotional guidance, and the illumination to navigate your path with grace and boundless love. Here, you embark on a transformative healing journey through the Angelic Tarot. I offer my guidance to assist you in making decisions, nurturing your relationships 👨‍❤️‍👨💏👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩, providing coaching, fostering leadership, and nurturing your connection with your divine feminine energy. Allow me to be your bridge to inner self-discovery. The Angelic realm delivers messages of growth and transformation, which may at times challenge your expectations. To truly resonate with their wisdom, embrace what you need rather than what you wish to hear. For a more profound connection, kindly share comprehensive details about your situation, as this will enhance the clarity of your reading. Insufficient information may result in a less insightful experience. I extend my sincere apologies if my accent may seem unfamiliar; my purpose is to share the truth that lights your path. Be prepared to receive messages that may be intense and stirring, for they are intended to catalyze your personal transformation. Approach them with an open heart and understanding. In the pursuit of your highest good, please understand that I do not sugarcoat my messages; I offer unwavering honesty and insight. Regrettably, I am unable to provide readings on matters related to pregnancy, legal issues, or health, in accordance with Purple Ocean policy. The LGBTQI+ community is warmly embraced here! 🤗 ¿Deseas una lectura en español? Estoy aquí y disponible para ofrecerte una experiencia espiritual en tu idioma.
About meIn my early years, I had the privilege of being mentored by remarkable women whose hearts danced to the rhythms of mysticism. They graciously introduced me to the enchanting world of nature's energies, a realm where I learned to read the captivating tales within Spanish cards, decode the patterns in coffee grounds, and unlock the profound language of Tarot. As life's tapestry continued to unfold, my journey led me to diverse oracles and the mesmerizing pendulum. However, it was the discovery of the Akashic Records that crowned my spiritual odyssey. This sacred knowledge allows me to peer deep into the very essence of people's souls. I approach these mystical tools with utmost respect and reverence, for they are gateways to a world of wisdom and insight. Join me on this path, where the art of divination meets the beauty of self-discovery, and let us embark on a journey together—a journey that unveils the secrets of your soul and lights the way to your destiny.
24 Apr 24
Thanks for all your help and guidance 🙏 😊
20 Mar 24
Thanks for your help and guidance
14 Feb 24
Thank you Helias 💖 Great reading as always Really feels the energy
31 Jan 24
Great reading with Helias Thank you 💖
03 Jan 24
Thank you for your knowledge, honesty and accuracy
25 Dec 23
Great reading always very informative 👍 Astral always picks up the most important information Needed
Higher Connection
18 Dec 23
Very confusing reading and was very grey in interpretation.
18 Dec 23
Thank you so much 😊
15 Dec 23
Ok thanks
15 Dec 23
Dry kind and detailed insight with a great explanation of the cards!
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Helias Astral
Couple Healing Process
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Helias Astral
Couple Healing Process
purple garden
Barges Technologies, Inc.