Compassionate Clarity
Top accuracy
3,173readings since 2021readings (2021)
About my servicesIt’s my pleasure to welcome all types of inquiries with a compassionate, judgement-free approach. We’ll tap into your burdens and unfold them with accuracy and empathy ❤️ I’m here to give you the two crucial things to achieve your highest good: COMPASSION and CLARITY. Why? Because truth without compassion is pain; when we act from a place of pain, we miss out on our highest path. And, empathy without clarity is illusion; intuitive insight is the key to navigating any situation. I’m an intuitive psychic who taps into energies, situations and paths by using a holistic set of tools. This means that we’ll use intuitive tarot readings and pendulum clarification to get the answers you need. For readings that call for extra interpersonal insight, we may also incorporate face and hand reading. When desired, I will interpret the energies and motives involved to give you a “script” so that you can best approach important and highly sensitive interactions. TOOLS & METHODS: -Intuitive Tarot -Pendulum -Face Reading -Hand Reading -Past Life Insight (and how it’s manifesting now) WHAT TO EXPECT: -During our reading, I’ll provide you with very specific and calming clarity. I recognize that most of the human experience resides in grey areas, so I’ll address your queries with a loving heart and an open mind. -The goal is for you to emerge from our reading with a sense of peace, clarity, and direction. -I’ll give you both factual insight and also a deeper understanding of each situation. -When appropriate, I will provide timelines for future events. Please keep in mind that I primarily read in small windows that are a maximum of 3 months into the future, for best accuracy. -For readings about future events/the course of relationships: these are predictions; we are tapping into the energies as they currently exist. The information in these readings is a path, but like all things in nature, is not immutable.
About me💫 Incredibly Accurate. 💜 Always Compassionate. ✨ Never Judgmental. It’s lovely to meet you! I’m Hila, a highly connected psychic who was fortunate to be raised in a home in which intuition, communication with the subconscious mind, and energetic readings were taught and encouraged from a young age. These gifts have been passed from my maternal line, originating in northern Spain and migrating over several centuries through western and central Europe, to the Black Sea. Thus, the nature of my abilities encompasses multiple practices that are derived from each of these regions (such as multiple types of psychic tarot, intuitive energy readings, and accessing the subconscious). My degrees in Psychology and Social Behavior (B.A) and Communication Management (M.A.) help me to give you extra clarity to situations such as: the innate causes of peoples’ behaviors, underlying emotions, and best courses of action for achieving the best result in relationship/interpersonal and professional/public situations. My existential (academically backed by published research) background in past life manifestations will shed light, when appropriate, on the nature of relationships and on why feelings or events in your life unfold as they do. Let’s get you some answers! 💕
Angels on Earth
26 Jul 24
Great follow up response
Angels on Earth
26 Jul 24
Spot on with my assumed timelines
26 Jul 24
The reading made sense, thank you so much 🤍
26 Jul 24
Thank you!
25 Jul 24
Great reading and guidance! Thank you!
Beautiful girl
25 Jul 24
25 Jul 24
My first reading and she was amazing! Thank you so so much! I will definitely come back ❤️❤️
Melli Rock
25 Jul 24
Thank you beautiful for another amazing reading ❤️❤️🦋💐
25 Jul 24
Beautiful reading! Thank you so much for clarity and peace of mind❤️🙏🏾
24 Jul 24
Thank you very much. You brought up insight I didn’t think of
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Compassionate Clarity
Intuitive Tarot Readings
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Compassionate Clarity
Intuitive Tarot Readings
purple garden
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