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8,282readings since 2020readings (2020)
About my servicesPlease read what I do before ordering 🙏 Intuitive, energy reader, channeler and medium. Ability to read energy, connections and various situations. Connect with passed loved ones, your higher self and spirit guides to understand self and life purpose. View areas that can be worked upon to create a better now and future. I'm designed to inspire and motivate. Angel healing card readings available also🙏 Please note*** I am able to see past, present and future. This depends on what I am given at that time. Should I deliver a message that isn't a current experience. It may very well be coming🙏 ***please try to put as much as you can in a video, even if it's of a wall and you speaking! that's okay! my being able to listen, channel and note my speaking points at once is important for me as I don't typically have the time to read 20 to 30 mins of text in order to provide the video order. some text in addition to the video is wonderful! but please try to draft your video or have a video prior to submitting. thank you so much!🙏 ** If you are asking me to channel a passed loved one, please provide their name, so I can make sure I am reaching the right person. I need to know who I am calling forward 🙏 ** I will gladly answer an additional clarifying question but it's important you don't delete our correspondence before I have the opportunity to do so🙏 *** Sometimes I have to ask a question to make sure I am picking up the right energy. This is simply for me to be able to deliver the message clearly. Every person has MANY surrounding energies, every interaction a person has leaves a print. Please understand that and sometimes for me to ensure I tap into the right place it requires clarity🙏
About meI am OC :) and here's my story. .. I am a 3rd generation intuitive channel. I started as a kid with HUGE emotions. I put my feelings, thoughts and world views into poems initially. Why do I feel such strong emotions from other people , places ,items & songs when I feel fine? (Empath) I never knew that everyone didn't just know things. I blurted out many things in my youth that helped me end up labeled as "weird" or "witchy " .🤷‍♀️ How was I supposed to know that you didn't know that? Oh, you didn't tell me that?🤔 You didn't see that person or hear a name in your head?. ..(Intuitive, clariaudiant, Medium) needless to say from roughly age 13 - 19 . I just shut it all down, these parts of me and Adolescence just didn't go together hand-in-hand and... it scared people In my 20s things opened up again and I opened up to it. I was no longer afraid of myself or the world around me that was quite different from what I was taught. I ended up on a quest for knowledge and truth - within and without, that brought me down many different paths. . I had many amazing mentors pop up in my life to assist me with this process that was nothing short of a whirlwind experience...that continues. Many years later. With gentle nudges and many conversations that usually began with " its okay!!! you're not crazy - you have a gift, learn it". .. So I did and have and will continue to learn. (Spiritual body viewer,channeler, spirit guide , teacher and master conversationalist, lightworker I have always known I am here for a reason. I always knew everyone else was too and it has taken me years to get to this place where I can confidently stand in my own name without fear of rejection or denial with only one goal in mind. ... To bring joy to others and bring peace to their hearts, bring clarity to their minds , bring connection to their spirits ,bring messages from places beyond for those who are meant to have them. I have had the opportunity to help many over the years and hope to do much more. Much love and light I am OC
08 Feb 25
There’s always so much perspective packed in a short time, I can’t thank you enough! ❤️
07 Feb 25
Thank you
06 Feb 25
Amazing like always 😊
05 Feb 25
03 Feb 25
Catching up on reviews. The bomb.com!!
03 Feb 25
Thank you
03 Feb 25
OC is absolutely incredible <3
30 Jan 25
Hi, can you check my messages on BW please
30 Jan 25
thank you again OC…thank you for finishing the last point of the reading via message, I highly appreciate it!
30 Jan 25
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Open Channel
Soul Viewer/Medium/Intuitive Energy Read
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Open Channel
Soul Viewer/Medium/Intuitive Energy Read