Power Prophet
491readings since 2022readings (2022)
About my servicesI have Clairvoyant, Claircognizant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Divination, and Channeling Psychic Abilities. I am a Heyoka Empath, the rarest and most powerful type of empath, acting as a spiritual mirror for others to assist their growth. I am skilled in numerology. My spiritual triad speaking through me during our sessions are my ancestors, spirit guides, and cosmic energies that drive our existence.
About meMy name is Summer Reign, The Power Prophet, I my goal is to soeak power and life. I have been reading for 30 years with and without tools as I also sense messages through my triad through signs in nature, domestic plants, and animal sightings (e.g., birds, foxes, bugs, etc.). My style of reading is compassionate and caring, always with your best interest at heart. Life can be so hard and we can feel so alone. What is even more difficult is knowing the real truth about issues in love, romance and relationships, family, life purpose, money, career, and finance. When you are confused or having trouble making decisions, give me a call, and let me help you understand everything that is going on right now. I have the innate skills and giftings to truly help. Certifications: Certified Master Tarot card Reader Certified Spiritual Coach Certified Life Coach Certified Health Coach Ordained Minister: Uni versal Life Ministeries Academic Study: PhD in Health Communication MA, BS, in Culture and Communication AA in Communication Psychic Platform Experience: Path Forward Psychic Source Mysticsense Ps ychic Power Network Purple Garden BitWine Affiliations: Spiritual Care Association American Association of Psychics & Healers Mediumship Membership Community Parapsychological Association
Richa D
21 Mar 24
21 Mar 24
Fast at tuning in and knows the meaning of the Tarot cards expertly when doing your reading . Would recommend ! M!!
21 Mar 24
Didn’t get much from it, especially with the time on the screen. A lot of filler words
sj azules16 azules16
13 Mar 24
Thank yoh
26 Feb 24
Thank you.
24 Feb 24
Very sweet and good energy . Honest and truthful . Very good insight and advice . Thank you
23 Feb 24
Thanks so much!!
11 Feb 24
She’s so beautiful I love her energy💚💚 I will come back and highly recommend
11 Feb 24
Thank you
10 Feb 24
Thank you so much!
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Power Prophet
Psychic Advising
0readings since readings ()
Power Prophet
Psychic Advising
purple garden
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